Friday, January 04, 2008

Thank You Iowa!

Nobody Flashes Anymore: After the damage was done to Hillary's hopes for an Iowa win, some of her helpers, who had worked day and night in order help their candidate, had become a bit...frustrated.

This abandoned office shows the feelings of Hillary's vast army of hopefuls, after learning that she had actually obtained, third place.

For this, we thank the Deocratic women of Iowa, Oprah Winfrey, and Bill Clinton, who insisted on upsetting Oprah by demanding she let him appear on her show on Thanksgiving.

The rumors that this is actually one of Bill's crime scene has not been confirmed at this time.

But, we must remember. Oprah showed us what a woman can do if she gets really mad.

Let's just be glad Hillary Clinton did not have the football.

Thank you Iowa!
