Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nobody Looks for Good News

Nobody Cares; Here’s the question: How long do we have to wait before we hear some good news? Good news about anything?

Turn on your radio, TV, read the papers…it’s no wonder we’re all fat. I don’t know about you, but my cortisone levels are on Deft-Con Fourteen. They passed Def-Con Five about fifteen years ago. Two years of continuous political crap has put most everyone on, “about to explode” ---caution.

Sure, Rush Limbaugh has won his “Operation Chaos,” but what might come of that? John McCain? A man who but for one point, is the Democrat’s near clone.

Sure, George Bush is finally getting some good wins in Iraq, although small, it’s a start. But so what? We’re proud of our soldiers, but are we really any safer? If we were, President Bush would not keep coming out every month and telling us how scared he is that there is going to be another major attack.

Sure, we got some of our money given back to us in a “stimulus package” this year, but most people are so far in debt, that little bit will not stimulate anything except maybe Spielberg, who will get a few more bucks than he would have otherwise if the release of Indiana Jones had not been planned for Memorial Day weekend…right after many had just gotten their checks.

Sure, it’s the first time a woman and a “black” man have run for the Presidency in America, but so what? Hillary is no Margaret Thatcher, and Obama is a long shot from a Justice Clarence Thomas. In fact, if either one of them become President we might as well go ahead and merge with China.

Which----seems to be the plan. Today it was reported that we are training Chinese air marshals. America has trained more of her future enemies than any other nation.

And let’s not even talk about the immigration problem. No---no.

Sure, we might get universal health care, but that only means that all the baby boomers will just die off sooner waiting for some doctor to find the time to do their surgery.

Sure, a lot of people are excited about Ellen DeGeneres getting to marry her sexy female sweetheart, but we also had to watch her push her “na, na na na na na” on John McCain and Laura Bush. She showed no class doing that---none.

And no Ellen, I am not like you. (Ellen likes to keep reminding everyone she is just like everyone) Kissing another female would be to me, like being forced to French kiss my dog. I love my dog, but…no thanks.

Now, add on to the doomsday list tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, chemicals being put into our food to get us addicted, contaminated water, public schools that can’t even teach kids the basics, multinational companies and lobbyist running our government, societal pornification, and the fascist state of the government running every single thing in your life.

How in the world can any sane person be positive?

And even if Rosie O’Donnell has been quiet…just give her a few months, she’ll be back.

And then, as if to rub salt in our stressed filled, debt-filled cavities, our leaders are always spouting about how wonderful it is that China is now getting a middle class.

The CEO’s of the big companies call the American pain in this little globalization downsizing--- “localized.”

I’d like to localize some of them.

And how about the cost of gas, food, and the electric? Wait---you say you’re company was just bought up by some international conglomerate? Don’t worry---be happy.

I turned on O’Reilly tonight, and I saw pictures of girls beating each other up, and a man kissing his 12-year-old bride.

Yep, I threw the remote control at least two feet.

That was enough. I turned off the set, got my swimsuit on, went out to my very “old” hot tub, and floated in the water---just floated.

I listened to the sound of the birds, each one melodiously singing to me. Distinct, sweet, calming. You know, they all get together at sunset and just gossip--- it’s a joy.

I watched the sun set. I looked up at my maples in full leafy glorious green, over my head. Instantly, my body, my soul, felt so much better. I found heaven in my own back yard.

So--- the bad news continues, and it seems it will only get worse. But there is good news. God is still all around us, all we have to do is reach for him.



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