Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Nobody Knows A Cold

Nobody Knows:---why there has been no cure for the common cold?

I'm taking the night off. Last night, my throat felt like I had swallowed a thousand small bullets of metal...like the roof of my mouth was being lazed red by a Russian Spy...thank goodness I'm a nobody, or my imagination would have taking off.

Okay, I don't need that excuse to have fun.

That waiter who kept looking at me so strange at the restaurant during Mothers Day, was really hired by the FBI to poison me for complaining the Hillary never puts the lid down. I might not live to see tomorrow.

Somewhere around two o'clock in the afternoon, the stuffy nose comes in, then the chest blows up--every part of your body hurts, including your little toe. Wait, try the rest of my foot that I dropped a four-pound package of hamburger on...two weeks ago'!It's still pounding.

You crave cherry popcylces, and there is a limited supply of Cherry. I've gone from soft Kleenix to cheap toilet paper, to napkins from the dollar store.

I wrote a piece today, but anyone who has read me for any length of time will be glad I decided NOT to finish it. It was called "Colonels in Love"...yeah...I know. Don't ask.

Hillary won in West Virginia, good reason also not to write. Simon, on American Idol, made some guy sing "Killing Me Softly" ...another reason.

My basement is flooded AGAIN---another reason. The rugs are rotting out as we speak, (okay, it's just me speaking here, I just like that phrase, sorry.) because there is no sun to dry them out in. Here in St. Louis we've had only 4 days in the last month in which it did NOT rain. There are tree limbs all over the yard...and yet, somewhere in this world there are some fools that are willing to risk their lives to climb Mt. Everest.

While they are freezing, I am going to take a hot bath, drink some hot chocolate, then settle down and watch those brave and half foolish people ( on my TV now) who think they can actually climb that huge beast.

"That was the last time I saw Rove alive."

Right now, there is a climber saying that he suffered from depression, and he found that when he drove his body hard, he felt better. In that case, not falling off the side would make anyone feel better, you don't have to be depressed.

Well, I'm NOT climbing Mt Everest's tonight. I've got an excellent excuse to do nothing, so that's what I'm going to do.

Oh, isn't this a cute picture? These two are best buddies. Life can be good, especially when you know you've only got the flu, and you know you will never have to climb Mt. Everest...

The flu I can survive, Mt. Everest on the other hand...probably not.

"The day was beautiful, there wasn't a cloud out there."

"He was last seen, climbing back up the ridge."

"The storm was coming very fast..."

"We were walking right into the storm..."

Yep, that we are, maybe I'll sleep in my snow suit.

See you tomorrow.



Blogger Unknown said...

Get well soon! Your public misses your writing!

11:48 AM  

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