Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Follow the Black Hole

Nobody Cares: While the Supreme Court decided last week that all Muslim prisoners sworn to bomb, kill, and destroy the West should have a decent trial by a jury of their peers here in the United States...(bin Laden will be brought in for the occasion)

And while today, they decided that all child rapist deserve another chance to rape...

While Hillary demands her $20 million dollars back and a chance to at least rule side by side with Obama, and McCain can't decide just what oil field to drill on...

While home schooling is outlawed in California, and gays are being allowed to marry. While the price of food, gas, and living expenses is going up so badly, even the Hilton in Hawaii is advertising on local stations, and guys on daytime shows are telling people to sell that other car...

While bills are being debated in Congress to take away Medicare benefits sooner rather than later, and give them to poor illegal Mexicans kids, and Congressmen are telling us to please, please save just something every week...

While NASA and Anheuser-Busch are getting ready to lay off thousands of people,

While in my neighborhood they are actually thinking about bringing in the national guard because the blacks keep shooting each other...

While Alan Greenspans finally admits we might go into a recession. (which shows you just how much of a genius he is)

While locally, American Airlines have canceled 43 flights out of St. Louis, because of fuel cost..

While I just didn't want to hear another gloomy report---I actually heard some good news today!

In fact...I found it hard to believe my eyes--- but there it was, on my local station.

There was a poor white man sitting on his roof, due to the fact that his house was completely under water...and the local authorities were actually going to let him stay on his roof! Not only that, they were even bringing him water and food supplies by boat!

Why? Because in 1993 when his house was flooded he left. Of course his whole house was looted.

There is hope...until tomorrow.

Tomorrow the Supreme Court is voting on whether all citizens have the rights to bear arms...because if they go against our constitution I will not be surprise when we all get swallowed into a black hole for just being plain stupid.

Don't laugh...somewhere on this planet some crazy scientists are smashing protons...which could cause a black hole.

Synchronicity? Gee...I think we are already in one.



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