Thursday, June 19, 2008

Skyscrapers Not Allowed!

Nobody Wins; Yesterday, one of Rupert Murdoch’s beautiful blond Fox fillies was reporting about how extremely busy the rest of the world was---building huge skyscrapers with “oil” money, as if the news was brand new to her. Skyscrapers that not only were taller than Chicago’s Sears Tower, but had new innovations never before seen, not even by Brad Pitt! Her eyes got real big.

Go ahead. Rub it in.

Actually, you won’t see these foreign skyscrapers on our televisions much. Our politicians keep strict control on that kind of stuff. It’s too embarrassing to them. They will show you the starving people in Mexico, but heaven forbid they show you the vast wealth in Hong Kong or Dubai.

People are mad enough at the gas pump.

They also leave out the fact that all these buildings going up all over the world are being put up by American contractors. China, India, Dubai…they bring over our big American firms. A handful of our engineers go over, hire the locals and viola’

Well, at least a few guys from America are making a few bucks. Trouble is, that money is not “trickling” down anywhere but to some guy’s bank account in the Cayman Islands.

And while our big American contractors are busy putting buildings up all over the world, nothing is being built here in America, unless it’s on the Vegas strip, or the new giant highway from Mexico.

Here we are, seven years after 9/11 and the only real American building left standing on the New York skyline is the Empire State.

I wonder if those elevators still shake around the 77th floor.

Bill Clinton once said, “We aren’t always going to be the big dog on the block and we’d better get used to it.” Of course, that big dog Bill Clinton sold China some American ports, rubbed the backs of the Sheikh rulers of Dubai and Kuwait, brokered uranium deals with Kazakhstan for a Ukraine billionaire friend, and would have ended up in Carnegie Hall Towers downtown Manhattan on our dime if he could have.

He’s a regular real-estate agent global supreme with cherries on top!

And President Bush---does he have to grovel so? The way he holds the King of Saudi’s hand, acting like a mere puppet to his beck and call? Hasn’t he been the President for eight years? Where’s OUR Iraq oil?

Do you see a pattern here? I mean, either our highest politicians are just pimps for the big dogs of the world, brokering deals for the rich and the Sheiks, or all those pictures taken by the Hubble are just fakes. Even though President Bush has kept us all from attack, sometimes I wonder--- at what price? What exactly goes on in those tents?

Christopher Hitchens (you remember---the God impugning atheist) wrote a piece called “Last Call, Bohemia” in Vanity Fair this month. While whole towns are being wiped out in the Midwest, Christopher Hitchens is upset about his palatable Greenwich Village being overtaken by boring corporate buildings.

I was quite touched.

Where, he laments, will the future great intellectual minds of our times ferment once the Village is gone?

Good God.

I guess I could feel sorry for Christopher Higgiens---I mean, he has a point. Wiping out the “artist” colony which for so many years produced major literature giants filled with leftist hotbeds of coercive Marxist thoughts must feel to him much like an army of polar bears taking up camp in London and eating the locals. It’s a great “cultural” loss. A “species” of American intellectual never to be replaced, to Chris, is a loss to the world; forget the middle class of America.

But just because the middle class of America doesn’t really matter to the rich elite powerbrokers of the world as a “species,” doesn’t mean that our values are any less important to the world than the likes of rich Harvard kids looking for a place to contemplate their own “specialness.”

And Christopher doesn’t much like skyscrapers---after all, they were banned in Paris for a long time. It’s not cool to the “elite” to build tall buildings anymore ---they use too much energy. Better to say that than to admit as Clinton says with glee—“we are not the big dogs” anymore.

The way things are going, I wouldn’t doubt if someday a monolithic Mosque will be built right across from the White House.

That will never happen you say? Well, did you ever think we’d have a President someday named Obama?

At least we still have Vegas. Hopefully, the Saudi’s let us keep it.



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