Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Left and Right of Mercury

The Left and Right of Mercury

Nobody’s Opinion; Mercury, in case no one remembers, was an old Roman deity, a messenger of the gods--- carrier of the news. In Greece, he was the god of commerce, of tricks, of white lies. He was the patron of gamblers and thieves. In Greece he was called Hermes.

There is a famous story of his that reminds me of our present day Senators. In fact, when Armageddon comes, as many are claiming will happen soon, I will not be surprised if all of us will see Jesus---but the Congressmen of the United States will see a really gay looking naked guy with two snakes wrapped around a pole to which they will all be asked to follow. Being as clueless as they are by their speeches, they probably will all follow him instead of Jesus, because Mercury was known to be a jolly fellow. He will be telling a lot of off-colored jokes, most likely about Monica Lewinsky, or Hillary Clinton...they will feel right at home.

The story goes that when he was a kid, Mercury stole his older brother Apollo’s cattle. He had shoes made of bark and grass to disguise his footprints, and he drove the cattle very far away and tried to confuse everyone. When Apollo found out it was his little brother that stole his sheep he was furious!

I don’t know about you, but I wish the Congress had only stolen cattle. We could maybe give them some slack.

Of course Mercury (Hermes) denied he had stolen the cattle claiming he was only an innocent little brother. Apollo ended up forgiving him though because Mercury played the lyre so well that he gave in. The music was just too sweet. Mercury then gave him the lyre. What a guy.

This was before rap. If Mercury had been a rap artist, Apollo might have whipped him to death, as he did another guy for having played the lyre too well. The egos of the Gods have not changed.

Evidently though, Mercury’s lyre playing was not better than Apollo’s but just good enough to charm him into forgiving him for stealing the cattle. In fact, Apollo had pretty much got screwed, because he never got his cattle back. The guy was just stupid.

The Romans thought that this was the world’s first business deal. Not much different than the workers amnesty program being suggested on the floor of the Senate today.

And to get us to stop thinking about the border problems, they all started turing over a new leaf.
No more were lobbyists going to fly them to Cacun.

Seeing all those Senators going all around saying “No lunches, no dinners! Why, no lobbyists are going to bribe us with free meals ever again. Why…we’ll go Dutch!”

This means you an I will pick up the bill.

There was Congressman on all the news programs; Democrats and Republicans pandering shamelessly and obsequiously to both the illegal aliens and the American people. They actually had to work today.

Work hard at convincing the American people that amnesty for all the illegal aliens already here is only right---because they are 90% of the work force here! And we don’t want to put up walls, why…that would be mean, and all those people just work so hard.

Well, they know how hard they work.

What a bunch of Mercury!

Don’t tell that to the middle class guy who is working two jobs, just to support the illegal alien’s kids. Or the Ford worker who just got laid off and can’t get a job because he is not bi-lingual.

The owner of a big governmental subsidized conglomerate farm was saying no American has ever applied for a job to pick his strawberries. You could tell he was lying…he never goes off his property. Like the slave plantation owners of the old South use to do, he just sends a Gringo out to get everything he needs.

The right and the left of Mercury…they all play the same tricks. As Americans we’d better start getting concerned soon, because I’m not ready for American to go back to the boundary lines before 1812, when the Spanish had Texas and Florida, and most of the states that the Mexicans are taking over now.

The fact that they have let this go on for all this time, even after 9/11, is proof positive that they wanted this to happen.

And if our elected officials allow this amnesty to take place, and give up the territory to the Spanish, then they deserve to follow Hermes on judgment day.

Being lawyers, and ignorant of classical history, they will not know that Hermes had another job.

He conducted all deserving souls to their everlasting doom in the Underworld.

Too bad I won’t be there to see their faces.

Nobody Cares; I wish I could stop talking about Bill Clinton every day, but he just keeps putting his New World Order puss everywhere. Now, he wants all people in Africa, (and the rest of the world) to be mandated to be tested for aids.

Never mind that he is NOT the president of Africa. Oh wait…he is the first black President, I forgot.

I’m sure he is trying to set up a system for his own benefit, so everyone that has aids, will be tagged, and he will be able to know who is safe to come up to his room and examine his Walt Whitman books.