All the democrats were having cat fights over how much audacity the man had, going on and on about how we have been defeated in Iraq, and he doesn't want to admit it...blah, blah. No one has the right to impose "freedom" on any other country, and I guess that's why Clinton stayed out of Rwanda. Freedom to the democrats means every other country in the world has the freedom to attack us first.
But there were two interesting things that came up in the talks; 1. When President Bush starting talking about the history of our own country when the constitution was being formed, it was very obviously and rather badly edited out. (mmmm) 2. During questioning some lady said that her husband had served in Iraq and had taken footage of many of the wonderful things actually being accomplished by the soldiers, but NO ONE would show the footage! She asked him what we can do as Americans to get this good news out?
George W. didn't answer...He thought for awhile and said, "You can blog."
In other words lady--- fat chance in Hades that the major news stations will put a nobody on
unless you can be used to promote the communist party. ( Cindy Sheehan)
So, since all our politicians will not do anything about the propaganda being perpetrated to lose the war, (because that would be censorship) AND the news media refuses to play any good news,( not good ratings) then the only solution we have is to do like our founders did when they wanted to get a message to the British.
Dress up as illegal immigrants and throw our television sets in the trash?
No, it's simple we can boycott the news, just like we boycotted all of Hollywood. Now, even Spielberg has lost so much money that he had to sell Dreamworks. It doesn't matter HOW good looking George Clooney is, his movies will always bomb. Just think---if we stop watching the news on TV, and get our news on the internet or radio, then they MIGHT wake up.
In desperation to get us back, they might even send Jane Fonda over to interview the new schools opening up around Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm sure some American boy who DOESN'T know anything about the Vietnam war will let her sit on his tank.
Hey, Mel Gibson proved it could be done.
And by the way...Just how DO they know how many people are watching a program anyway? If you know this answer, please tell me. Do all the TV sets now have chips? How else did they find out that we were all switching channels on commercials. Now those that control the signals have it timed that EVERY channel goes to break at the same time. Those dogs!
Nobody Knows; Speaking of dogs, Madeline Albright made a speech at Yale university called "Public Service in the Age of Globalization" The communists want to recruit as many young rich kids as they can to serve humanity. The poor kids pick up trash... The rich kids get government jobs. And what a coincidence it is that Harold Koh, who is now the Dean of Yale, was Assistant Secretary of State under Madeline Albright. Don't you just love it how these people all stay in power?
If you send your kids to Yale, be sure to include lots of flea powder.
Nobody's Perfect; Chavez today, that dog in Mexico, who I can with all sincerity call a dog since he called the President a "donkey" (forgetting what party he was in.) was showing his great integrity today by saying "The North American empire has invaded Iraq just to look for oil and now threatens Iran because of Oil." As he continues to get rich off of selling his oil to us donkeys in America. What integrity.
Ok. Nobody says, "The South American empire has invaded the United States just to look for jobs and now threatens President Bush for more jobs."
These empires are getting confusing. While the American Empire is giving lives of good men to Iraq for their freedom---The Empire of South America is giving their poor, their drugs, their pregnant, their sick, which is liberating them.
Gee, seems that we are spreading freedom everywhere but here.
There was another empire long ago brought down by the purposeful infusion of drugs, and that was China. The British empire made millions off the opium trade. What empire wants to brings us down with the infusion of drugs? Who is making millions off the drugs on our streets?
And think; how long has this been going on baby boomers? mmmm?
Funny that Chevez's speech came out RIGHT after Bush's speeches. Isn't e-mail amazing?
Nobody Cares; Why is it that when we are all talking about this gross dependency on oil that the news is let out today that despite layoffs, GM is going to make even more SUV's than last year? And they are all going to be sold to my neighborhood. The blacks here in Missouri think that the SUV is the hottest thing since NIKE' Air Jordan's, or boom boxes. They ALL have one here.
They all have degrees in Chemistry and Lincoln Navigators.
I think the democratic dogs better learn some new tricks. When the democrats want us all ride bikes, so as not to pollute the air, they might lose their base.
Unless the blacks can get free gas of course. And if Jesse Jackson has his way, that may be possible.
If that happens, Michael Jackson will not be the only one in the world trying to change their skin pigmentation.
Who let the dogs out? Ruff, Ruff!
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