President Barack Obama...The REAL Reason
What’s that you may ask? The real reason Barack Obama announced he “might” be running for President in 2008 is because it’s a ploy to make sure Hillary is “re-elected” into the Senate.
Come on. Even Dick Morris admitted in her first two debates she was terrible, and there is not a person in the United States that doesn’t think she is running for President.
Except maybe the newborns.
The thought of Hillary NOT being re-elected to the Senate, thereby making the way for her to run for the Presidency, would be more of a disaster to the Democratic party than if they actually did not overtake the Senate.
The President has the ultimate power. He or she can veto anything. And as we have all seen, in the last two Presidencies, the power of the Presidency has become enormous.
This Presidential power increase was diligently worked on by both parties.
If the people of New York think Hillary is just using them, and she loses, she will have a real hard time trying to campaign from her cute little house in New York that she is never in.
She would lose the vast connections of power and money as a New York Senator which she needs to put her in the Presidency. She HAS to run from the Senate to be elected.
And if she loses, she can retain her seat, and like Ted Kennedy, stay in the Senate and rule until we all die. It’s all about power.
The American people are being duped again. I can’t believe everyone is falling for this.
It has been decided that Osama Obama (as Rush Limbaugh calls him) would announce at this time his plans, with Oprah helping out, and his book, backed by the full appendix of the vast CNN propaganda machine to convince everyone that Osama will run instead of Hillary.
And that’s all you heard all day. Obama this, Obama that, Hillary has baggage, Obama is loved, He’s the new John Kennedy, blah, blah, blah.
To put the punch in the attack, they made a CNN special called “The Do-Nothing Congress” with guest stars Tom Daschle, and Trent Lot. (who is pissed off at Bush)
A lot of it was about how Congress is never there. Why, the democrats are always there!
All kinds of dirt was thrown out on this garbage disguised as unbiased reporting. Every single word that came out of that broadcast was pure hatred against the Republicans…it was such blatant propagandas, I was actually getting nauseated.
Especially when they kept referring to Ronald Reagan, saying, “When Reagan was President, all the democrats and republicans got along. Why we’d go out to dinner together!”
They put this crap on TV and have the audacity to come back and say it’s the Republicans that divide and cause partisanship.
With a month more of this stuff the New Yorkers will say…”Oh, she really will stay and serve, I’ll vote for her then.”
And then in 2008…Obama will announce that he wants to stay in the Senate, and Hillary Clinton will be nominated to run for President.
Barack Obama and the democrats know he can’t run at this time. They are saving him, they play their people like the pawns they are.
Just how many people do you think would vote for a man named Barack Obama, born of a Muslim father (notice he never brings up religion) while our boys are being killed in Iraq? Are you crazy?
I don’t know about you, but I would always be wondering, why he didn’t change his name out of respect for all our fallen soldiers.
I’m sure like Bill Clinton, this guy was picked early by probably the Council of Foreign relations.
His father of the same name was a big deal at Harvard. Barack, the son, went to the University of Chicago and took the same courses as Bill Clinton---political science, with specialization in international relations. He then went and studied at Harvard Law school and became a lawyer like his daddy, and like Bill Clinton.
It’s a prerequisite to being a democrat in the high level so that they can get rid of the Constitution, some day and the Electoral College.
It will be “rule of law” alright.
When Barack Obama ran for Senate in 2004, he trailed behind businessman Blair Hull. All of a sudden Hull was disgraced with allegations of domestic abuse. (Surprise!) Then he was matched by republican Jack Ryan---who withdrew from the race with disclosure of child custody divorce records. (Surprise!)
See how these guys work. They will slime you, dirt bag you, because they are basically power hungry, corrupted crooks. They never, play fair.
Then he debated Alan Keyes, who is really is right of the right on most issues, so of course he won, because Illinois is mostly democratic.
Although Barack hasn’t done a thing for Illinois since he was elected, he did make a journey with the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to Russia, a job that Al Gore was found of. He has made extensive visits to the Middle East. He has spent a lot of time, like Bill Clinton, going all over Africa.
Is it any wonder that he has done absolutely nothing in the Senate? And why is that?
Because these people are being hand picked, and trained for the new Globalization takeover. The world is much more important than the United States.
Obama will run like a centrist, but he is as socialistic and fascist as Bill and Hillary. He worships at the feet of FDR and the New World Deal Welfare. You don’t think they do this stuff? Let’s review here folks.
The democrats since they came on the scene, since Jefferson bribed the newspapers to slander Adams, have showed how they play the game. If they want someone to be elected…they dig up real dirt on their opponents and get their guys in.
Aren’t you getting sick of “sex” scandals. Foley was a work of art.
I know, they pulled it on Clinton, but his real crimes were much worse, and he should have been impeached for those.
Or they use the “pity” vote. The “pity the poor children, the poor people in Africa with Aids, pity the poor Palestinians, the poor soldiers in Iraq who are dying for their country for a war we can’t win: the poor starving people in North Korea who are being starved by President Bush, The poor people in Darfar who are being killed because of President Bush, poor Michael J. Fox, who is being killed by President Bush because he is dying from the lack of stem-cell disease research.
And pity the poor First Lady who was betrayed by her husband.
Oh, did you hear today of the “planted” story about what her opponent Mr. Spencer said?
“Looks what that nasty man said to me! He said I was ugly and had plastic surgery, when I’ve never had a thing done to myself, (cough, cough) but I was really cute in high school…how cruel to attack my looks.”
What she actually said was “It’s unfortunate that when you don’t have anything positive to say about the issues that we get off on some pretty swampy territory.”
Okay, who told her to pick the word “swampy?”
Hillary, by using this underhanded play, you couldn’t get any uglier.
Nope, Osama is just being set up to help Hillary at this point. Bill can only help her so much. She is a lousy speaker, she looks bad, and she will sink us if she’s is President.
Nobody’s Perfect; The Democrats make the mafia look like small fry, but the Republicans are no better. They have done nothing but continue on with Bill Clinton’s takeover globalization plans. Both parties are globalists.
Our schools are getting worse, our food is being contaminated, we are being invaded, not only with millions of people, but lots of old diseases that were once non-existent here, ur whole manufacturing base is gone, and we are merging with China. And all this great news about the economy only affects the rich, and on that the democrats are right.
What they don’t tell you, is they work for the rich too. NAFTA was brought in by Clinton.
The only thing they have going for them is their fight against the Islamic that want to kill us.
And right now, that might be the only reason to vote for them.
Nobody Knows; Just how long it took for our country to get so messed up.
Nobody Cares; It’s obvious that Hillary has had plastic surgery, why should we care?
I think you are misinformed on too many things or justr plainly ignorant. The names Barack or Obama are not muslim names. To suggest then that Obama should have changed his name is to demonstrate a lack of even the most basic of research. The you claim that like Clinton, Obama has travelled all around Africa! Scandalous! Did you checki his initerary? Visiting three countries means visiting the whole of Africa? Are you this ignorant? You obviosuly have something against Democracts, which is fine but please get your facts right before making these claims. Its a shame for self respecting Republicans.
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