Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Parents To Be Monitored.

Nobody Flashes Anymore: Many parents today all over America are suffering anxiety attacks, due to the new policies being implemented in all our public schools.

Because our Federal Government, does not trust the American parent to properly raise their own child, they are now giving out condoms, and birth control to eleven-year-olds. Planned Parenthood is now at the end of the nurses' office.

And that's not all! Parents are now being "graded" and watched by the public school system as to just how good they are at parenting, because the teachers of course have no idea why the kid can't learn.

After all, it's not their fault.

Why is this happening?

This picture may explain it all. This is a lost picture just found of Hillary Clinton when she was a young girl. This fateful day, Hillary's parents obviously did not do a good job teaching little Hillary that this kind of stunt would end up in a major head trauma.

Despite the head injury, as we all know, she did survive.

But, she learned that important lesson that day...which she can't remember ...oh yeah...that you cannot trust your parents, and so to prevent this kind of trajedy from happening to anyone else in our country, she is going to make sure that parent monitoring programs are going to be set up all over the United States in all public schools.

What---you thought the camera's were just for speeding tickets? They are to make sure the children have complete freedom and protection from YOU!

Fortunately, Hillary was not pregnant when this picture was taken. Planned Parenthood was not in her public school yet.

Hillary never rode a bike again.

But George W. Bush rides his all the time...which should tell you something.
