Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mexicans In My Trees!

Nobody Wins: Yesterday, I had gathered my car keys, turned on my TV, (Does that fool anyone anymore?) and I was headed out the door when I glanced out my back door patio window, only to see…

Mexicans in my trees.

Yep. Three Mexicans in my trees, and one walking around the ground.

Not an everyday occurrence here in Missouri.

My first thought was, “they must have hopped the fence” because we have locks on our gates. The fence is over seven-feet high. Not an easy thing to do.

But as I watched a skinny little monkey race up to the top of my young oak tree, I thought to myself, “Wow---he’s good. Really good.” In fact, he must have been climbing trees in the jungles of Brazil before he was two. He looked about 35 years of age, and maybe weighed all of 105 pounds. He got up to the top of that tree quicker than it took my amazed brain to register any kind of intelligent action. An American man could not have done that…if only for the fact that most of them are too big.

Obviously they were hired to “cut” my trees away from the power lines. But gee…they could have at least knocked on my door.

They don’t do that in America anymore. They don’t need your permission to cut your trees. They don’t need your permission to climb over your fence. They don’t need your permission to damage other plants in the yard…they work for AmerenUE.

Mexicans once again doing jobs Americans ‘won’t’ do.

Now, a woman’s house is her castle, and those trees, as far as I’m concerned are mine. When it comes to trees, (and birds, dogs, and young children) I have very strong feelings. Touch my trees---you might find yourself dealing with a mild version of Medusa on steroids.

And if you butcher my trees (one was damaged so badly, I might have to cut it down) without asking me my permission, you will have a raging, crying, sobbing, emotional wreck on your hands for at least two to four hours.

At least with men in my family I’ve always had a say. I had no say in this. I have been conditioned to believe by letters from the electric company, and local news broadcasts---trees needed to be trimmed for the good of the community.

Too bad they let this wonderful concern for “the community” sit dormant for over twenty years.
Twenty-five years ago, the nice men from the electric company would come every year. They would ring your doorbell, if you were not home, they would come back. They not only would ask your permission to trim the trees, but they would tell you how long it would take. Then one year, they just stopped coming, due to “budget” concerns.

Our beautiful forest of trees has grown very big---right along with the electric bills.

So there they were---Mexicans literally demolishing my trees, even lower limbs whose only threat was to my dogs. I was getting angry. I had gone out and tried to be nice to the men…even offered them some water. I asked them if they spoke English… “No.” they said.

And yet, outside my fence, they all spoke it…broken, but they spoke it.

Why did they lie to me? Could the fact that I had a big American flag flying in my front yard have anything to do with it?

The whole thing was…not good. Utility men can come onto your property and do whatever they like. You will be ostracized if you protest. How long before “men” come inside your house to fix your “water” intake for the good of the “community”?

Okay, I really feel sorry for the Mexicans whose own country has let them down. The world is filled with incredible hardships. Nevertheless, our city just in the last decade has lost all its major jobs. There are plenty of local citizens who would have loved to get this work.

And make no mistake---while illegal immigrants can do the job, an American man would talk to you, and would respect your property. Your trees would not end up looking like something out of “Nightmare on Elm Street.”

It’s clear a lot of these Mexicans, although hard workers, could care less about us, our property, or our love for America. It’s not their country.

This whole issue is getting ugly. Today my trees---tomorrow…what?

Nobody wins here---nobody.



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