Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Obama Official Attornment

Nobody Flashes: The United States President/Czar/Sultan..Obama Hussein, today announced with official attornment to our new landlords, Russia, ---all the while flexing those wonderful biceps of intellectual axilla (armpits)--- said this dear nobodies...and I quote:
"Our new missile defense architecture in Europe will provide stronger, smarter, and swifter defenses American forces and American allies."
Which means: 'Okay, Putin, I'll dismantle our missiles.'
Somehow I think sending the ever swift, strong, and smarter Vice President Jimmy Carter over to talk to Putin, is not going to work this time.
Wait---Jimmy Carter is not our Vice President?
Could have fooled me.
Does this mean that if Iran launches nukes at Israel, Nancy Pelosi will go into the UN and say, "That wasn't very nice." ?
Soooooooooo--Unless all those recent shuttle trips put up Reagan's Star Wars Plans, ( and I'd say the chances of that are about as distant as Barney Frank becoming a heterosexual) I suggest that Hillary get a direct line to Sarah Palin...
And beg her fact...Hillary should make that call...NOW.
Otherwise...Obama will blame HER...for the upcoming crisis.
What---you don't think he'd blame her? There is some reason she got the job..everyone needs a scapegoat.
Will she use the "it's because I'm a woman" excuse?
Will he use the "it's because I'm the first Black President" excuse?
You bet.
As for the rest of us...we will have no excuse. I'm starting right now to think up mine..."I don't know...I don't remember...what? I have no guns! What do you think I am? A patriot?"
(Nobody Makes this stuff up.)



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