Saturday, September 12, 2009

Nobody Knows: The "Flush"

Nobody Knows: I usually do favorite e-mails tonight, but I’m skipping that and posting this picture of the wonderful crowd of Americans that showed up in D.C. today. I got this off of Michelle Maulkin’s website…the lady is always right on top.

Barry---Hussein Obama is acting as if these American people just don’t exist.

Glenn Beck did a great thing getting all these people together. The protests must keep up; I also think Glenn Beck has the right idea…expose some of these people for what they are. Get other simple people to be brave enough to expose the truth. Just show us the scum.

And it’s---- everywhere.

BUT…maybe we should take something out of the Democratic playbook. What we need now is a Presidential scandal. While I do support the, “He has no birth certificate movement”…any man who can fire the President of Ford Motor Company and get away with it, obviously doesn’t need one.

A sex scandal would be quick, and time is essential at this point.

What politician has not been damaged by a sex scandal? If you say Bill Clinton, think a bit more.

The ONE thing that it seems all the powerful men in Washington D.C. just can’t resist is sex, with lots of women. It’s almost as if they think it’s one of their inherited perks…am I wrong?

So, I’m putting out for all reporters to get on this…and I suggest that…we start with this pretty lady. I believe her name is Susan Rice. She is in his cabinet, and she is his personal advisor and representative to the United Nations.

The other day, my husband and I were watching Obama give a talk on his Health Care at the White House, and right behind his left hand shoulder was a woman who looked as if they had just…you know…let’s just say she had the “flush.”

My husband noted it first. He said, “Look, that woman. She is…mmmm--there is no doubt about it. She is in love.”

As I watched her nod with loving eyes, at every single word Obama said--well let’s just say, no one needed O’Reilly’s body language interpreter to think that this woman was filled with…rushing hormones. It was Lewinsky without the French Hat.

Either that or she just got laid by the White House Butler.

Having had that wonderful “flushed” feeling many times myself, I can honestly say that I couldn’t have agreed with him more.

My husband suggested I should not say anything. Be careful he said. After all, Bill Clinton got so mad when the world found out about Lewinsky that he went and bombed some factory, and some poor guy almost got killed. And he KEPT on bombing, and then thousands of citizens really DID get killed.

So, let me be up front…I have no proof that Susan Rice and Obama have a thing going on. Hey, and if they do, it’s none of our business right?

Wrong!. Of course it’s our business. The guy wants to destroy America. We need anything we can get at this point.

So…if someone at the National Enquirer or even the National Review would probably like a good story, and are brave enough to find a Linda Tripp… hey, who am I to stop it? Drudge could do another famous headline.

And if you think I’m mean…I and all those people that gathered all over the country today think it’s mean what Obama wants to do with all the baby boomers in the United States…and that’s just for starters.

The way I look at it, I’ve never heard Obama condone the Muslim practice of having four wives. And I hear that the Alinsky philosophers believe in patriarchy, whatever that means.

And we sure do know now that prostitution was high up on Acorn’s list.

And who can forget that picture in Paris?

Why wait till we all are lying on our deathbeds being handed morphine and then think---“You know---we should have gone for it.”



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