Friday, September 04, 2009

Nobody Does NOT Wants A Vaccine

Nobody Knows: Tonight I was sitting at a stoplight, when I glanced over to my right to see a local Walgreens. Walgreens is the biggest drug store in Missouri, and they are just about on every single corner.

I always said if I ever bought a stock, it would be in Walgreens.

Not too long ago, Walgreens set up "nurse" stations, where you could walk in and get antibiotics, and lots of other wonderful stuff usually perscribed by doctors. I just supposed this was for all those wonderful people who simply cannot or do not have insurance, freeing up the illegals from overwhelming the emergency wards.

So, okay.

As I looked over, I saw a sign posted out right on the curb of the street in front of the store...FLU VACCINES HERE (a bit pushy I thought) while at the same time listening to the top leading story on the radio, which was that the cervical vaccine is doing very well preventing cancer on young women.

Right. Those nine-year-olds are really doing well.

The government has been talking about the chicken flu, the bird flu, the swine flu, the whatever flu...constantly, for the last three years, acting as if the flu is more dangerous than the house of Muslims you have on your street.

I'm getting tired of it. In fact, it's ridiculous.

Most of us know this flu scam is another scare tactic, just like the "global warming" junk, and my personal favorite....tea partiers are really Nazi's in disguise. Sarce tactics that are losing their scare power.

I happend to drop by David Icke's site tonight when I got home, and I must say, after watching this video, it's obvious that this swine flu propaganda is going to be used for something...whether it's to force Universal Health Care on the last of us, or mandatory evacuations, or whatever...

Many people believe that the shot is actually man made, it's not the flu that will kill you, but the vaccine.

And while many people STILL trust our government, I, for one, am not taking any chances. From what I've seen over the last decade...I wouldn't put it pass them to invent a virus to be used to promote some vast agenda that they have all decided would be better for the "planet."

We've have been hearing these nutjobs in our Congress far too long...just listen to them on a daily you trust any of them?

I just thought I'd share this very interesting video. If you'd like more thoughts to ponder...go to his site and read up on it. And if you think that it's unimaginable that a elite group of people would want to "cull" the population with a man made deadly virus...

As my grandmother would say: better to be safe than sorry. And it's this case, might be better to be safe than dead.

What's the worst that can happen if you don't get a shot?

Your body will build anti-bodies....or you will die. I'll take my changes with Mother Nature.

I just love the options, don't you?



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