Monday, August 31, 2009

Nobody Not BORN Jewish is Perfect..

Nobody's Perfect: Right now, when the little, tiny, itsy, nation of Israel is at it's most precarious position in it's horrific history since the Holocaust, Madonna has decided to do a few concerts there and donate the proceeds to fight the crazy jihad's everywhere who want the complete destruction of the Jews and America...
No she didn't.
She is going to keep whatever she reaps for herself, because there is ONE thing you can say about Madonna, when it comes to promoting herself, no one does it better, and in that respect, she has been just about perfect. And I mean that...sincerely.
Except when she opens her mouth about politics and says ridiculous things, which she does more and more as she ages. Madonna alone has not only resurrected blond jokes, but put them in the Koran forever. She has also almost single-handily put a whole new perspective on bras.
Nevertheless: She says her name is Esther, and she is now Jewish...and because she outlived Michael Jackson...she got to go to the holy wall where only the most devote of Jews can pray. And she gets to meet with Prime Minister Netamyahu, and why this makes the news, is beyond any one's guess.
Maybe she found out that she is actually one of the great offenders of the great ALLAH, and has a big red mark on her forehead, and therefore, calling herself Esther might be a thin disguise, and just another way to protect herself.
She may not have been born Jewish, but Esther, feels Jewish. She WANTS to be did Sammy Davis.
Hey,..."If I were a rich, la, la, la, la la la la.....
All day long I'd pity pity bumm..." don't have to be rich to pity pity bum. I can vouch for that!
Okay...I'm still recovering from Ted Kennedy's VERY quick death from the brain tumor...
I was GOING to nominate Arnold this week for continuing to watch his state get burnt to the ground...but, I felt sorry for his wife, so Madonna gets the "Nobody's Perfect When You're Not BORN Jewish" award this week.
I'm sure she appreciates it.
Shalom Esther...go in peace and bras.



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