Friday, August 28, 2009

Nobody Reports Favortie E-Mail

Nobody Reports Favorite E-Mail of Week!
Have you noticed that I have been using a lot of gravestones, lately in my blogs? Could it be that it's because I have a feeling that if I should get sick...a few more years will NOT be an option?
It's best to be prepared, as we all know, and like most Americans, I'm more worried about just plain surviving in Obama's New Communist World Order than thinking about my upcoming death or my these are giving me some ideas.
These people were definitely prepared.
First off...I prefer the first for myself, because I remember a very great picture of President Bush giving that exact same gesture to someone...who he meant it for I have no clue, but I saw his daughter do it to, so its a favorite of the family.
The second grave shows you proof, that the Japanese, have been, and will always be...humans with DNA not of this planet. I don't know whose coming to this office meeting, but he wants to make sure they feel at home.
And the third? You have to wonder. Is this a woman's grave, and is that her? Or is this a man's grave and that's his favorite "model?"
If Presidents can build huge multi-million dollar libraries for immortality, maybe we should demand our stimulus tax dollars be given back to us in order for all so that we can at least have more creative tombstones.
So many people cannot even afford to bury their dead relatives. Bodies are starting to pile up in the National Parks, and some of them are even legal!
Yes, since our government refuses to let any of us take any money with us, or leave anything for our family, I say it's the least they can do.
Wait---I've changed my mind. I pick the last one. I want everyone to think I was some hot chick. A little silver glitter would look nice too, don't you think?



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