Monday, August 24, 2009

Nobody's Perfect When It Comes to Releasing Murderers

The Nobody's Perfect award this week goes to that lovable "New World Order"chap that somehow became head of Britain, probably because everyone feared his mother...Gordon Brown.
Somehow, when he met Moammar (OR Muammor depending on whose site you're on) Gaddafi at the last G8 meeting in Italy...he was so impressed by Gaddafi's outfit that he told him that, "Sure, I'll release that guy that killed all those Americans...whatever you want Mummie... LOVE the outfit...
"And hey, want to go camping?"
Really, I don't know about you, but any man who would wear a karate outfit, with an emblem of Africa and that badge of 'whatever' on his chest that looks like it was made at Wal-Mart, and THEN he puts a satin robe over the top, making it look like he just came out from a session with Paris Hilton...
Is NOT someone I would do business with.
Scotland is taking the blame for this, but it seems...ALL the Western leaders had say in it, despite the many "Oh, that's not right" rebuttals.
So---Will Obama take Gaddafi to the White House and show him the "new" terrorists interrogation room when he comes over for his UN visit? Or will he take him camping on Martha's Vineyard?
I guess it depends on if he wears that spiffy outfit again, the one that no western leader can resist!
Actually, Gaddafi had the gall to say that he wants to go camping in Central Park...I say...LET HIM.
I think it's a wonderful idea, don't you?



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