Friday, August 14, 2009

Nobody Flashes: Mayor Pitts?

Nobody Flashes: Mayor Pitts?
Wow. That has a nice sound. (by the way, the picture to the left was reportedly DONE by Pitt himself...I'm not trying to draw any conclusions here...really...I'm not...)
Brad Pitt wants to get into politics, and someone has picked New Orleans for him to run. Its time for him to start into his "run for mayor, become governor, and then...the White House with Angelina and the kids."
By then, it will be a reality show, and we'll all be able to watch them all day! I can't wait to see the curtains!
BUT FIRST: Build green houses, get the local population completely stoned out of their minds, and legalized nudity and gay marriages.
And if Brad wants to get the gay vote, he's in the perfect town. Wait---he wasn't saying that "I won't get married until every gay can get married." line just for votes was he?
Somebody has just got to take over control of that great drug/sin city, and taxing drugs will be just the ticket to repairing those levees.
Good thinking there Brad.
The funny thing about this is: anyone who's been to Mardi Gras knows that you can do anything short of making fun of Castro, and never, ever be arrested, and that includes smoking grass, dropping acid, doing heroin, taking off your clothes and going nude, having sex in the middle of the street, throwing up off balconies, morphine...prostitution...
Wait...somebody is making money off this stuff...Brad, if he wins, could demand a "tax" from every pimp and pusher, and buy another mansion on the bayou, designed all by himself, with a hidden hot tub, and an extra hot tub room for visiting "politicians."
He does have ONE little problem though. According to the leader of the U.N., the earth is going to be destroyed in four months.
In New Orleans, stoned out of your mind time, that's twelve years.
He'd better get more tee-shirts printed, and keep up that drinking. I suggest, rum and Coke Brad. It's the jazz musician's favorite.



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