NOBODY FLASHES: I watched the traditional American Rose Bowl Parade this morning and let me say; it was a sure indication of the new America. There were three big floats from China, (one with a lot of warriors, just to make sure we don't forget) One from Japan, one from Taiwan, and the other major floats, were from South America and Mexico.
Yes, the International Rose parade has fully arrived at last!
America was represented by lots and lots of people on horses, (hint, hint) and several floats commending black astronauts, black buffalo riders, and black WWII pilots. If Obama has done nothing else, he has put black history into the Rose Parade, big time.
But...my personal favorite.. was the snowboarding bulldogs. That's Tillman, the most famous one who started this all. Americans can have more fun than the rest of the world, and the proof is that our most famous contribution to the parade was a snowboarding dog.
Least anyone forget what we are truly here for, the world's entertainment.
I thought the parade was the most lame I've ever seen it. And while I enjoyed the marching band at the end of the parade, playing the Stars and Stripes forever, seeing a giant American flag being carried backwards and upside down, at the end of the parade...followed by an American Eagle---was upsetting to say the least.
Go get em Tillman!
Nobody Announces: Well, here it is, the first day of the new year has passed quickly in Asia, and just now on it's last lap here in Missouri, and I have a few comments to make about what I will be doing, hopefully, this year in regards to my little blog.
I will still be writing my usual Nobody's Opinion, Nobody's Perfect, Nobody Cares, Nobody Knows, and Nobody's Absurdities, and these will be a bit longer because, well, I just can't seem to shut myself up.
BUT.....in between these, I will be putting up very short thoughts of just about anything under the sun...under the titles of Nobody Reports, Nobody Flashes, Nobody's Fool, and Nobody Remembers...
I know, with all this NOBODY business I'm sort of branding myself as the biggest NOBODY on the planet, but that's the idea.
Someday, I will sell TEE SHIRTS and all the nobodies on the planet can join together into one big nobody club!
Like Obama, I'm aiming for world domination!
Having said that, let it be known that ...you have been forewarned.
Now, onto the business of saying my Nobody's Opinion, and I hope you will ALWAYS give me yours! A Toast! To all good spirits and Nobodies! Let our opinions begin....
Labels: life
Amfortas says:
Chinese floats is it? You should be so lucky. On the front page of the Inquirer section of my Weekend Australian today is a rather fetching photo of Chinese troops parading.
Very tasty too, I have to say. Shocking pink mini-dresses (long sleeved but hems at mid thigh); white shirts with collar and red tie; white beret and gloves and white boots to the top of calf with modest heels; short bob hair to the collar; and black machine guns at the port, barrel at the left breast, grip at front of right hip.
The girls varied in height but the skirt hems were exactly level.
By crikey they know how to do it. I would not fight them !
Meanwhile in Feminist Equality America, women are exempt from Selective Service while boys cannot even get into Uni without registering. Poor oppressed American Women.
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