It's Your Way, The Highway, or The Third Way
Nobody’s Opinion; This weekend on C-Span, Newt Gingrich interviewed Alvin Toffler…author of Future Shock, The Third Wave, and the just released Revolutionary Wealth, which I’m sure is going to explain to all poor people in the world just how unbelievably even richer some very choice other people are going to be in the future…not that we need a book to know that.
Newt was pretty silly, not even trying to hide his absolute worshiping of this little Marxist, who had the face of a benevolent grandfather. Newt, who is supposed to be a conservative, was fluttering and flushing with excitement. You would have thought he was talking to the inventor of cybersex.
When a man beams and says he reads the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times every day, and says that the United States is “decadent,” while the Asian countries are NOT…then you wonder why in the world would a man like Newt Gingrich gush and blush all over him?
Why? Because Newt, like Clinton, Blair, and most all of the New World Order leaders of the world believe in the “The Third Way.”
In fact, Bill Clinton mentioned it in his 1998 State of the Union address. “My fellow Americans…we have found a third way.”
We all thought he was remembering his last three-some---somewhere in the Oval Office.
Alvin bragged about how his book, The Third Wave was the second bestseller in China the year it came out. He did not make a dime off it, but he didn’t care. Both Newt and Alvin are convinced that his book helped revolutionized China leaders into understanding how to get rich…how to work capitalism into communism. In other words, how to make the peasants work harder to make more money for the leaders at the top of the communist party. America was then swamped with China’s products. Our government did not ask or insist on equal trade, gee thanks guys.
And when you think about it, we the American people are not too far behind the Chinese worker. We also work very hard to enrich the millionaires at the top of our government.
But that’s another road.
I figured that, now that we are getting a new slave race of peasants from Mexico, Newt and Alvin think that maybe we will catch up to China. They are hoping to be the ones to control the merging of Canada, Mexico, and America, into a New Third Way.
And China is now finally letting in our big international companies. Our politicians think free trade will eventually turn the Communists on to democracy. Well, maybe the people will want more freedom, but, the people of China do not have a chance it seems.
China thinks that with The Third Way, they will become rich enough to destroy us. In the meantime, with all we owe her now, she pretty much owns us.
But Newt and Alvin do not care, as long as they stay rich and in power. It’s pretty much that simple. They can tell themselves they are making the world more equitable all they want, but basically, they are both control freaks.
In The Third Way, you can forget the old constitution, even the parities. We will be talked down to by all politicians and CEOs in the future. We will be scolded and told that we are backwards because the change will be good for us. Don’t fight it, children, or you will certainly end up on the road to devastation. So sorry to tell you.
Now I looked up the third way. The goals are:
To retrieve the power of government, not to deny the power of government
Reconstruct all public institutions. (And that includes the family)
Deconstruct markets; get rid of rampant consumerism and inequalities.
A strong welfare state and redistribution has to be beefed up and controlled.
And Newt, a Republican, thinks this is a good thing.
What is so nauseating about all of this nonsense is that Alvin acts as if HE has studied the world, it’s people and it’s history, and has stood on the sidelines analyzing us like ants, and is now telling us that the family is certainly NOT necessary at all, and that if we don’t get rid of churches and our old fashioned values from the “20th century” the social changing that is coming will hurt us much more than Katrina. Why, can’t we see that in order to come into the 21st technology century, we have to learn to change?
Get ready for all democrats to use the word “change” in every single speech. They will act like if you don’t want to change then you are really stupid.
Capitalism will soon be attacked... Bill Clinton said that our government was into “crony capitalism..” just last week.
Maybe Bill is having to pay for it, now that he is not President.
And what is even more despicable is Alvin has the audacity to act as if this change is a natural evolution of the human being; instead of what is really is…a systematic attack on the institutions of the family and religion in order for this new form of communism to take over. Oh…but it’s not communism, it’s a new way! All the current world leaders (which includes Newt) are in on this, they are the new Revolutionary Rich.
This nobody suspects that China and some of our top leaders have come together to form this New World Order or “Third Way.” They just have to be careful how they sell it. It seems to merge the wonderful system of communism, but keeps in a little capitalism so that the ones at the top can get even more rich and more powerful
They are just so excited they can hardly contain themselves.
Oh, but they won’t forget you. They will make sure you get free health care. You will just have no freedom, but they figure you don’t really need it, as long as you have the latest cell phone, computer, and new gadgets to make you happy.
Get off the farm you bumpkins, and try sex with more than one goat. You might like it.
I remember seeing Newt not too long ago talking about how our government was experimenting on certain “social” programming in our prisons. I was shocked. I thought it was against conservative principals to try to “brainwash” an individual, even if that person was in prison.
The Third Way endorsers will come right out and tell you they want the world to be reconquered by the left.
Fathers and mothers will no longer be the norm. In fact, we are almost there already.
And I’ve got to hand it to them. They have done a good job making the public think that it’s just natural events that have gotten us to this point instead of what it has really been; a systematic planned destruction of the Great American Republic.
And that road has been long and paved with many American Traitors.
Watch out for Newt to go down the third way road towards the Presidential nomination.
After all, he will have Alvin Tessler supplying the gas.
I for one hope they have a flat.
I suggest the American people get out Frank Sinatra’s famous song and sing as loud as we can…:”I did it MY WAY.”
And Newt and Alvin can play it on their I-Pods on some permanant road to China. After all, they prefer the Asians, they should just stay there.
We’ll even pay for the gas.
Nobody's Perfect; I must admit, the only Alvin Toffler book I've read is Future Shock. I read it years ago, and quickly forgot it. Even though I would like to read every book ever printed, I realize that this would be impossible of course, and will settle for just one more, if I must...
Nobody Knows;Alvin did mention that Karl Marx had called him...actually, how old would that make Alvin? Who does his hair?
Nobody Cares; Clinton has been hanging around with some billionaire named Belinda stronack, a politician in Canada. She insists that the rumor is "A Republican plot." Wow, you would think they could come up with a new soundbite.
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