The Titanic 666
Nobody’s Opinion: Boy, it sure is hard to be jolly these days. For the first time in our history most of us feel like we are on the U.S. Titanic and our leaders having already gotten off the sinking boat. We were all just going along our merry way, when one day, we turn on our TV’s and see what seems to be half of Mexico marching through our streets demanding their rights. To some of us, this came as a great surprise. We were having a hard enough time with the cannonade of mounting problems: from an attack on our own soil, to another long war in the Middle East, high gas prices, insecurities about retirement, and then this invasion of Mexico. This iceberg is as large as ten states, and the mass flood has already caused the sinking of at least four of our states. We are already going down, and there are not many lifeboats waiting for the natives.
Can you cry “help!” in Spanish?
Then we find out…surprise! Your Congress and your President think that we should bypass all laws and invite these poor Mexicans, to come on in and hop on board. In fact, the treaties to make a North American Merger have already been signed. The plans of the merger are to be completed by 2010.
Karl Rove says don’t worry about it. Most of these Mexicans just want to come here, get rich, and then move back to Mexico. What he forgets to tell you, is that…this enlightened Mexican might move back to Mexico, but he will leave his wife, ten kids, and all his other relatives here.
Forget your representative government. They know the time has come for the implementations of this planed invasion. They have secured their seats for years, and they know, short of a revolution, there is not a thing you can do about it.
The rich and powerful will be in the lifeboats watching, while the rest of America goes down, bit by bit, screaming and kicking until the last man drowns in despair.
Yes, it’s hard to be jolly. Pathological leaders seem to want to actually put in motion the beginnings of some sort of Biblical apocalypse. They know the power of these prophesies of long ago, in the psyche of men, and like a blueprint to be carried out, they have decided it can be an excuse for all kinds of power grabs.
Whether you believe in it or not doesn’t matter. The mark of the beast…666…is in modern times the microchip in our hands…and if you don't have this microchip in your hand or forehand, you won’t be able to buy or get paid.
Hey, guess what? They are a reality. They even have a small chip called the ‘Momdex’.
Most everyone trusts mother.
Just twenty years ago we could not have even imagined this. But after 9/11 our perceptions have changed.
O.K., we can all see this happening…every day we are told that there could be suitcase nukes right here in the United States. We are being told to stack up on supplies. And maybe in the aftermath, we will all have to be ‘tagged’ so that everyone can be tracked.
According to the Bible, 3 billion people will lose their lives. Jesus will come down and take the ones that believe in him, which means you will be happy to die because you won’t want to stick around for the bad stuff. Not exactly a good way to get believers.
But, most of us are not superstitious. An intelligent person knows that superstition ain’t the way because, well…Stevie Wonder said so…(just kidding) no…we know that black cats don’t bring bad luck, walking under a ladder is kind of fun, and throwing salt over your shoulder usually just gets the person behind you mad.
Unless of course you are a ballplayer, then wearing your jock strap and never washing it--- actually does work, and gives you home runs.
On the other hand there are enough of us that have seen too many unexplainable things in life, not to mention witnessing the insanity in our own government recently, we are thinking that maybe we should actually pay attention to these warnings.
Like the warnings of Al Gore, who is already broadcasting the end…
Then the real question is;… just who is the anti-Christ?
Some people have thought Bill Clinton fits the anti-Christ. Some people think its George Bush. Some people think its bin Ladin.
Many have suspected Simon on American Idol.
We must remember if any of these men are evil in disguise it’s because they have gotten too much power and have become megalomaniacs completely immersed in the belief that only they have the answers to the world’s problems. They’ve had too many rides on Air Force One.
It certainly wasn’t anything supernatural that gave them this delusion of grandeurs. They got there all by themselves.
Besides, the beast is suppose to have a severe head injury and recover, then wake up from a coma and demand a cashless society---and mandatory marks on our wrists. Anyone who refuses his mark will have their throats slit.
And I thought cable rates were bad---reminds me of a Manson concert.
Maybe we should pass an amendment saying that all elected officials, including Presidents should spend a day once a month in different cities helping the garbage men pick up trash , to get them a sense of prospective.
Even better, they should be made to lead men into battle, like George Washington did.
My guess is, tomorrow will come and go, and all of us will be going through the day looking to blame any bad luck on supernatural events beyond our control, instead of blaming ourselves for being human and making stupid mistakes.
I certainly plan on doing it.
And anyway, you might as well have a good time, especially if you are a soldier right now in Iraq and you believe you are living in a hell on earth, because you may be right.
Like the musicians on the Titanic, who played up until the great boat, went under, if we are actually living in the times of the apocalypse, we might as well have some fun.
What else it there to do? So…have a happy 666 day, and remember what T. S. Eliot said;
“This is the way the world ends/ not with a bang but a whimper.”
Nobody’s Perfect; Then again, if something really bad happens tomorrow, I will be feeling once again, pretty stupid and have no one to blame but myself.
Nobody Knows; The beast and the anti-Christ, according to the experts, will be a really good looking man, so that leaves out Bill Clinton and George Bush. George Clooney comes to mind…or Brad Pitt. Hey, this could be good news…I can’t think of a single person alive that is totally to die for that everyone on the earth will think he is the next savior. So until Angelina Jolie gets a sex change, we are safe.
Nobody cares; Have you noticed that nobody seems to care that President Bush is trying to get an Constitutional amendment passed for marriage between a man and a woman? Could it be because we are not being invaded by gay men?
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