Reconquista Las Vegas
Nobody’s Opinion; I’m waiting for it…I’m waiting for the Mexicans to demand the City of Las Vegas to be handed over to them.
They will place the Mexican Flag up on top of the fake Eiffel Tower, and bring all their extended families to live in the hotel rooms.
“Ricardo!...Com in an eat now! Lucia!...get off that ship!”
By now, picking fruit in California is getting old, and Las Vegas is so much more fun. The little Ninos and Ninas could play at the pool all day! The games changed to pesos.
I’ve never been to Las Vegas, but I’m dying to go. I don’t gamble and I don’t drink much…I just want to see all those giant, goofy hotels. I want to witness the good old American ingenuity and imagination of our finest engineers. I want to toast Tom Edison, while dipping my feet in some exotic pool, because frankly, he has been purposely wiped off our American Hero’s lists, and somebody has to keep him alive.
Besides, I figure my chances of seeing an actual Pyramid are pretty slim. And why go see the actual King Tut exhibit when you can see the exact replica, which probably smells better, and has better lighting?
Nobody’s are always having to make a choice: Hot dog or Tuna Fish? Burrito, or egg roll? King Tut or Elvis? Las Vegas or Vegas Reconquista?
I’d better hurry.
Yes, I’m waiting for the Mexicans to claim Las Vegas because in 1829, a Mexican trader named Antonio Armijo camped out there for a little while and named the spot, Las Vegas, which is Spanish for “the meadows.” (meadows?)
Never mind that the Anasazi and the Paiute Indians were there first, long before the Mexicans, long before the white Europeans.
To stand around with nasty signs and claim the whole southwest as their land is pretty funny, when there were millions of Indians all over North America before the Mexicans even set foot here.
The Mexicans must not have wanted the Southwest too much back then because the French claimed it. The French did not have a welfare state at that time.
But the French didn’t want it either, Las Vegas was just cactus. Jefferson bought the property from Napoleon in 1803, for $15 million.
Still, the Mexicans wandered around as they tend to do. They weren’t about to fight the Indians for desert, but they did get pissed off when some white guys moved into Texas. Big fight at the Alamo, and Santa Ana was victorious. Okay, we lost. Davy Crockett had to die somewhere.
But we came back, and kicked ass, and fought the Mexicans in the war between Mexico and the United States, and won the territory back. (And gave them another 15 million)
We defeated Santa Ana and even went all the way to Mexico City and captured the city.
I suggest they give it back.
If you go by the logic that the first people on the land should always own the land, then both of us should leave. In fact, the whole human race would have to move somewhere else.
But---and this is important---most of the civilized world developed the concept of private property. And if you go by that, then we paid for that land, we fought for that land, and therefore, we own it.
And now our own government is giving it back to the Mexicans. They are encouraging this invasion. They are selling us out, just like the black men who sold their own black brothers in Africa into slavery for guns; our government is selling out the American people, for the benefit of the few and the slavery of the many. They could care less about us or the Mexicans.
And this tells you we are being ruled by arrogant tyrants.
Now--the loudest voice of reason against this right now is Pat Buchanan. Whatever you think of his last statement about how he likes the old white country, he is correct in saying that the Mexicans will take over.
Is he raciest? Yes. Are the Mexicans racists? Yes. Are the blacks racists? Yes. Are the white racists? Yes. Are the French racists? Yes, yes, yes…bored yet?
Oops…am I racist? If you say that I am racist because I don’t want America to merge with Mexico, than I am racist. Because I believe America is superior, otherwise all those millions of people would not be risking their lives to get here.
And it’s American to want to be superior..although they are trying like hell to drill this concept out of us. The elites that are managing this believe that only they have the divine right to be superior, the rest of us just have to get over it.
And if you go by the last World Soccer matches, it’s natural for every country to want to be superior. Its human nature, and they are having a terrible time getting rid of this.
They might have to clone it out of us.
Should I even want America to remain American? And lets think about this…is America at this time all white European people?
Even if all the white people went back to Europe, are the Mexicans going to send all the blacks back to Africa? All the Chinese back to China? The Mexicans just want half the country, to start. But, since they are younger, they think we will just die off, and then they can have the rest.
Wow, Vicente Fox is outsmarting our leaders. He is conquering the United States with the greed of our own leaders, without a shot.
I bet he’s in Las Vegas at this very moment celebrating with Chavez.
The Mexican people are being manipulated, because they are desperate. Just as the poor people of the jihads are being taught to hate us. Just as we are being manipulated to think our leaders are doing what’s good for us with this merger.
The elite go to elite schools to learn this stuff…how to manipulate the masses. Then they go to Las Vegas.
The Mexicans are certainly racists in their demands that we get out, and Pat Buchanan sounds racists when he wants a white America to stay. What he wants is the white culture of the English to not disappear off the earth, which it will.
You can’t blame him. The United States has been the most successful enterprise in the history of the world. The white people did good, and hating them for it makes YOU a racist.
What he is also saying is that the most important thing for us all, Mexicans, American, Chinese, serial killers, (just kidding) are the American documents of the Constitution and Declaration, to be preserved-- maybe updated (with term limits) and continued.
It doesn’t matter that the men that wrote these documents were white. They could have been black or orange, and the results would have been the same. No nation on the earth ever came close to its magnificence, and that’s why everyone wants to come here.
And if the Mexicans come here, and get rid of all the white people, the men who control Mexico will then be in charge, and their lives here will become just as miserable as they were in Mexico…but worse, because they will have the remains of all the people here they hate, like blacks and whites.
The real problem is Vicente Fox, President Bush, and the Clintons, and the elite CEO’s who have decided that the 1% of the top who own 40% of the wealth, now want the 1% to actually own 70 % of the wealth, and by merging the two countries, we will be fighting each other so much, we will never overthrow them.
The more we throw around the word “racist” the happier they are.
What the Mexicans don’t realized, is their one last hope here in America will be gone, because what they will get, when they put the flag on the white house is more of the same…poverty.
What they should be saying is; “I want to be an American, god blesses the white guys who thought of this concept.”
The way things are going, the Reconquista of Las Vegas might come in my lifetime.
I’d better hurry…the Mirage in the desert might disappear.
Nobody’s Perfect; Okay, most of our politicians are rich, self serving, tyrannical, lie a lot---they no longer give a damn about America. It’s going to be up to all Americans to dig up the old documents, go over their rights, and start organizing to overthrow them. The whole system from the top down needs to be thrown out. Washington is a cess pool of elite idiots.
Nobody Knows; Why we were in Vietnam? Why can’t we put men on the border? Why do they keep putting our attention on some stupid scandal when our country is being invaded with the careful planning and intention of our top government official? Do we really care if Katie Couric picture was touched up?
Nobodys Cares’ I love a good burrito, and I’m a real sucker for the Spanish guitar. The Italians blended in and gave us pasta, the Irish blended in and gave us great bars and police officers, The English gave us our great political system, the Germans blended in and gave us great beer, the blacks blended in (after much struggle) and gave us great music, now…if we could just get the Mexicans to blend in.
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