The Printers Creed
Then I ran into this wise advice in a book today, pretty much by those strange things in life called serendipities. You know--- you are actually not looking for it at all, but the thing you are looking for just falls right in your lap, just like a gift from God. “What are the chances of that?” you say to yourself. Maybe one in a million. It doesn’t matter.
I ran into the words of Ben Franklin, in a book that I was reading called ‘Infamous Scribblers” by Eric Burns. You see Ben was quite a writer, and owned his own paper called the Pennsylvania Gazette. It is know as “The Printer’s Creed” and here it is:
I request all who are angry with me on the Account of printing things they don’t like, calmly to consider these following Particulars.
1. That the Opinions of Men are almost as various as their Faces; an Observation general enough to become a common Proverb, So many Men so many Minds.
2. That the Business of Printing has chiefly to do with Men’s Opinions; most things that are printed tending to promote some, or oppose others.
3. That hence arises the peculiar Unhappiness of that Business, which other Callings are no way liable to; they who follow Printing being scarce able to do any thing in their way of getting a Living, which shall not probably give Offense to some, and perhaps to many; whereas the Smith, the Shoemaker, the Carpenter, or the Man of any Trade, may work indifferently for People of all Persuasions, without offending any of them…
4. That it is unreasonable in any one Man or Set of Men to expect to be pleased with every thing that is printed, as to think that nobody ought to be pleased but themselves…
7. That is it unreasonable to imagine Printers approve of every thing they print, and to censure them on any particular Thing accordingly; since in the way of their Business they print such a variety of Things opposite and contradictory.
8. That if all printers were determined not to print any Thing until they were sure it would offend no Body, there would be very little printed.
10. I have heretofore fallen under the Resentment of Large Bodies of Men, for refusing absolutely to print any of their Party or Personal Reflections. In this Manner I have made my self many Enemies, and the constant Fatigue of denying is almost insupportable. But the Publick being unacquainted with all this, whenever the poor Printer happens either through Ignorance or much Persuasion, to do any thing that is generally thought worthy of Blame, he meets with no more Friendship or Favour on the above Account, than if there were no Merit in’t at all.
Okay, was old Ben was contacting me from the beyond? It doesn’t matter. I have decided to continue, after reading this, to continue posting my opinions, which might or might not be agreeable to many readers. It took the words of a very wise founding father, who taught this very inexperienced writer the truth about writing “opinions.”
Thanks Ben, I needed that.
And at this time when it seems America is on a tightrope of survival…I will continue to post on this site…hoping all persons will realize that everyone, like Ben Franklin so eloquently said, is a product of all their life’s experiences, and we are all just trying to ride it out as best we can.
So ready or not, I’m back.
Nobody’s Perfect; Okay, I’m a female, who has a tendency to ramble on, maybe saying meaningless things, until she finally hits a maybe answer, because that’s how women are wired silly! I love trees, dogs, angel food cake, old Beatle songs, twilight, the smell of gardenias, full moons, late night talk shows about the universe, singing, playing the drums, piano, guitar, and I love to make faces at babies. I’m a real sucker for the original artists of Disney, but also love SCI FI. I am also MUCH too sensitive to criticism, but I strive everyday to make my ancestors proud.
I am very upset that I can’t hold liquor, or else I would certainly drink more.
Nobody Knows; Friends are hard to find. Smart ones are even harder. It wasn’t just Ben Franklin who changed my mind, no he was just a “sign’… the real reason was two very special men, who came to my support…they know who they are. Thanks guys, every girl likes the men in shining armor, and I’m no exception. You're the tops.
Nobody Cares; And hey, I would advise all journalists to go out and read Mr. Burns book. It is about the beginning reporters and writers of our country and just how vicious the newspapers attacked the politicians and England, and how important all the writers were in making the people stand up and defend America and break with England. It was well researched, and like the book, 1776 by David McCullough, one to put on your list. Well.. if you like that sort of stuff.
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