The Mercurial Mumblings of Herman Munster
“You Know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” he advised some students at a Pasadena City College speech on Monday.
Talk about condescending. The very rich Mr. Kerry thinks that all us nobody peons are stupid. But maybe if we work REAL hard, we won’t have to join the guard and get maimed and killed in Iraq.
Maybe some of us might be lucky enough to marry into a Fortune 500 Company.
The President took that bone and shook it for all it’s worth. God, it was so good to see George W. fired up in his speech in Georgia today. Today we saw a man really angered about someone “insulting” the troops. President Bush, (who had a suede looking beautiful green shirt on that I just wanted to reach out and touch) fired back, and said that the U.S. military were “plenty smart, and plenty brave, and the Senator from Massachusetts owes them an apology!”
You go Mr. President!
While I was watching this I was thinking…why in the world doesn’t he do this all the time? Get fired up I mean.
And Kerry could not see for the life of his omnipotent self see how he had insulted anyone. Instead of realizing that he was putting down just about everyone in the United States, as well as the soldiers in Iraq, all HE could think of is how everyone misunderstood him, and he was being attacked by right-wing nuts, and he is not going to take it anymore.
Good---he can leave.
John Kerry is the perfect example of why we need term limits.
John Kerry’s daddy served as a Foreign Service Officer during the Eisenhower administration. John Kerry himself has served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for nineteen years.
Since finding out about the secret deals on the NAFTA highway merging Mexico and the United States that was planned by the Foreign Relations Committee, anyone connected to these people tends to make you think, “There are no coincidences.”
One gets the feeling that somewhere back in his privileged youth John Kerry was told he could be Presidential material some day, so in order to prepare, he got himself a camera man, and went to Vietnam. He made sure he got himself lots of metals.
Most people know that if a man really did something heroic during a war, the last thing he would do would be brag about it. Like the many brave soldiers serving in Iraq, you won’t hear about them or their brave deeds on TV, unless they die.
John Kerry loves John Kerry---and probably his many mansions, and some of the house maids in them.
But here’s where this nobody gets confused.
Kerry and all the democrats truly believe we should get out of Iraq and soon, and yet---Kerry believes we should expand the guard and reserves by tens of thousands. Like Bill Clinton, who spread the troops all over the world in peacekeeping missions, John Kerry, had he become President, would have done the same. After being attacked, we would have gone on a peace-keeping mission of some kind.
On the other hand, the Republicans, who are critized heavily for being war hungry, have tried to fight the war with as little men as possible. And yet, they believe the war on terror is just the beginning of a war that will last our lifetimes.
The war in Iraq, after the initial takeover, has been fought very gently, almost in a politically correct way. This has made it hard for the troops and the American people to understand. We are not used to fighting a war with the approval of the rest of the world.
The truth is, because so many countries are now lining up against us, and so much of our economy (and debt) is tied up with China, and the Saudi’s…we really don’t have a choice.
We are not the country we once were, thanks to past politicians selling out our manufacturing base. While we hear every day how wonderful the stock market is we all know that unless you have big money in stocks, it means little.
According to TIME magazines last week, more than half of the people in America make less than $30,000. Something tells me that “Dow Jones” to a lot of people could just as well be the local Powerball lottery ticket that they never seem to win.
So in a way, Kerry was right. He knows the big gap between the rich and the poor, and unless you get a college education, you really don’t have much choice to be anything but lower middle class in America. It’s a dirty secret neither party wants you to know.
But it has nothing to do with the soldiers now in Iraq.
The trouble is, he had no idea (and he should have) how his remarks would be taken as an insult to our servicemen, and all Americans who just happen to NOT have college educations like the lucky Mr. Kerry.
And his “spin” was even worse. It was not a “joke” and we all know he wasn’t talking about President Bush, but of course, he thinks we’re stupid.
The problem with John Kerry is that he has the personality of a dull doorknob. It doesn’t matter how many bikes he rides, after today, there is no doubt that if you ring the doorbell of John Kerry, Herman Munster will answer.
If Karl Rove was smart, he’d take this can and kick it to the goal post on Election Day.
Nobody’s Perfect; John Kerry’s political timing today was so bad today that I bet even Hillary Clinton is celebrating tonight somewhere in Georgetown.
Nobody Knows; John Kerry, I read, actually doesn’t like Ketchup.
He would have hated my father who, much to my mother’s embarrassment, whenever we were in fine restuarnnast would completely dose the finest prime beef strip steak with a double top layer of Ketchup. I used to love it, because for five minutes, every snob in the place would stare at him.
My father, who was raised in the St. Louis equivalent of the Bowery, could have cared less; it was always a real Rodney Dangerfield moment.
Nobody knows why the rich have this thing about ketchup; it’s only for the poor and uneducated. They have no idea what they are missing. (Or maybe he knows what’s really in it? mmmm)
Nobody Cares; How can Massachusetts, a state that started out with such promise in the beginning of our country, have ended up producing such fools?
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