Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Nobody Flashes; Okay...what are the odds that the man running for President, just HAPPENS to have the name of the same man who was a hated enemy of ours? Really, what are the odds?

I mean, just think if a candidate running for President was named Adolf Hitler? Would you want to vote for him?

Wouldn't you maybe think about changing your name? In respect for the office? What am I missing here?

I ask myself this question every morning...and because I have to go through the rest of my day...I just break into...

Obama, Obama, bo mama, bo nana pana, mo gama, fe fi, mo mama...Obama...Let's do Hussein!

Hussein, Hussein, bo mein, bo nana pana, go gain, fe fi mo mein..HUUUUussein...A little trick with Barack...

Barack, Barak, bo back, bo nana pana, mo mack, fe fi fo fuaaaacck..Baaa -- rack...

Works for me.
