Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chinese Rice Hoarders!

Nobody’s Opinion; The sub-topic today, besides Hillary and Obama whining about each other, was: Food. The alarm in the air is that Cosco and Wal-Mart are running out of that great American staple—rice. The reporter was so upset, and so bewildered reporting this news that he wore a yellow plaid tie on top of a light blue shirt, with a dark pin-strip suit. It was a horrible scene to watch.

I don’t think they are feeding those poor reporters.

The camera paned to the empty stalls in Cosco where there were only a few bags of rice remaining. It was a lonely scene right out of The Grapes of Wrath.

Oh boy, this could be bad.

But here in middle America, where Wal-Mart’s have come in with humongous bulldozers and basically decimated every shop and family business in its way and plunked down amid sometimes hundreds of screams---like Darth Vader deciding to make a space port--you don’t see too many housewives working up a big sweat about it, because the only people that are going to maybe be affected by this are Mexican and Chinese Restaurants.

We still have hamburgers---as in McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, White Castle, and Jack in the Box, which as everyone knows, we live off of. We’ll survive, right?

We might all die of Mad Cow disease, but we will not die hungry.

I don’t get it. They report food shortages here, but in the next sentence they say that American Restaurants all over the country are really suffering for customers due to the economy. So, how could they be running out of rice when nobody is going out to eat?

Are people buying rice bags to line their fall-out shelters?

Come to think of it, last night at Taco Bell they told me they had ran out of onions…my Super Burrito would not have onions on it. I thought it would be uneatable, but for the life of me, I swear…there was no difference, which made me wonder---just how many onions were they putting in them before? Three little slivers the size of a baby’s fingernails? (Sorry, it’s a mother thing.)

And don’t you just hate it when you see one of those sub-way sandwiches advertized, and you order one, like say, a Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich, which you expect to have chicken on it, then, when you get your table, sit down, all hungry, and there is a big wad of bread, before you, with about five pounds of lettuce inside and all kind of strange looking little red things (that look like bloody bugger bugs) in it, but only three pieces of chicken?

Where’s the chicken? Who knows where the chicken went?

No wonder that guy lost weight.

Yes, our food costs are soaring and you know what they say is the cause? Well, besides ethanol.

China. China is at fault. Yep.

China’s millions have come into the middle classes thanks to our big American companies setting up their factories and giving them jobs. And instead of having to eat bugs, and leftover dog, they now can get first class rice dishes, no doubt with lots of onions.

So in order to make all those Chinese people fat and happy, which is what we need to do if we want them to have the energy to work day after day in American sweatshops so we can have cheap stuff to stick in our houses, we grow food and ship it over to them.

They in return send us tainted dog food---thanks.

No one ever mentions that China is a pretty big country and has been growing rice for centuries. Now, I guess they don’t want to share their rice with us anymore.
They’re too busy eating steak, and driving their new America Ford cars to their wonderful middle class restaurants to bother to grow rice for little ol’ America.

Either that or they too are buying rice bags for their fall-out shelters.

And now the United States is not sending over free food to feed the rest of the world, because our Congress said we have to put our food into our gas tanks.

Okay, I don’t get it again. Since when do we send off our food supplies to feed other countries before we feed ourselves? Was this on the news and I somehow missed it?
And why do WE always have to feed the world? Why doesn’t China and India step in and feed them?

Why don’t they all feed themselves?

Because then, American companies would not get the profits.

There’s a whole book written about this very subject, how the World Bank set this global free “food” network up in order to make millions of people in third world countries depended on free food from America…keeping them poor and starving, and big American companies very rich…

But I can’t remember the name of it, because now, I’m hungry. I plan on hoarding all my rice from now on, so when the day finally comes when there is no more rice…

I can call up my Chinese friend and offer him some fortune cookies.



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