Thursday, April 10, 2008

Nobody Admits: Men ARE Superior

Nobody’s Opinion; If you are a man reading this you might find this title a bit humorous, because you have known all along that you are superior to women in every way---right? And yet those pesky women keep insisting that just because men have had some brilliant moments…like the Hoover Damn, the Eiffel Tower, the Stealth Bomber, the bon-bon, and the cell phone, that doesn’t make men superior necessarily…sound familiar?

How many women have you heard lately say that they can run a business just as well as a man, raise a dozen kids alone, fly a jet, and save a man from total embarrassment every single time they get lost on the highway? Not only that, but men are clueless when it comes to just about every simple thing on the planet, according to women.

Even my divorced neighbor brags that she could nail a hog with a bow and arrow from fifty feet, something her big burly x-husband couldn’t do.

Well, no more. Next time some feminists starts ragging you about equality, remind them of that great secret that you have been keeping from them all---

Men dig great tunnels. Women have never, ever, nor will they ever…dig a tunnel like a man. Go ahead, challenge them. No contest. She would not break even a nail.

Yes, I too have been known to let out a great cacophony of equality issues until last week when I watched the History Channel’s series called Cities of the Underworld. I had no idea what digging fools men were, because until now, they have kept this remarkable feat that only a man can do, a great secret.

No big deal.

Men just kneel down, and start digging…and keep digging, and keep digging, sweating, slaving, until…they reach China. Oh sure, what they’ve done above ground is pretty impressive, but nothing compares to their digging talents.

They have dug a channel under an ocean for God’s sake. France and England now connect by underwater superhighway. Think of the effort that took. I have trouble even digging holes for my petunias!

Men dig huge tunnels that go for hundreds of miles, just to try to break open tiny little things none of us can see.

Building the pyramids wasn’t enough; men dug tunnels into the pyramids just to hide some dead pharaoh who did not want all the men he made slave and build the pyramid for him, get to his body.

Al Capone dug whole underground tunnels to run his liquor and prostitutes. Whole streets in Chicago are still underground to hide politicians and give Oprah Winfrey nightly access to Macy’s.

Who knew? I didn’t. I mean, when were they going to tell us?

Our founding fathers too, had underground tunnels throughout Boston to hide from the British…the National Treasure might be real! Someone should send Bruce Willis down to drill!

While watching the series, all I could think of was how did men do these great feats and still hide the dirt? It’s clear to me now why men refuse to dust the house.

Did Hitler go to his mountaintop retreat when the end was coming? No! He went to his underground complex and had dinner parties. And speaking of great leaders going underground…

Russia, courtesy of Al Gore, who kept giving Russia billions of dollars when he was Vice President, built a huge bunker in a mountain not far from Moscow, already supplied for millions in case of a nuclear war. So did China. So did we….wait. Our politicians have dug fabulous, deep caverns for them and their families, just in case all the tunnels (okay, let’s be practical here) under our borders let in shady characters. There have been rumors of construction going on for years under the new Colorado airport. People have seen whole elephants go down and not come out.

But…it’s all a big secret.

And New York has so many tunnels running underneath it, if I lived there I’d make friends with a good Sandhog and start stocking some deep underground cave with beer, soda, and cell phones. Must have a cell phone, which I learned, were invented by the Jews.

It seems all this digging started with the Jews. All this time I thought the reason Jerusalem lasted as long as it did was because they were God’s chosen people. Turns out, that’s not quite true. King Herod built himself a grand palace over the town’s only water supply, and lots of nifty long tunnels to hold off the Romans. His men would run around under ground and just pop up anywhere to knock them off. (A defense idea the Japanese stole.) I wouldn’t doubt Moses had a digging crew that he hid behind his tents at night, who dug up water, and then told his followers it was actually God who gave it to him.

Yes, men are such super moles, they have dug for gold, diamonds, coal, and oil---just not in America

And by the way…how long was underground Disneyworld kept secret?

Yes, men are truly remarkable, if I were a man, I would be bragging at every opportunity.

The good news is that in evolutionary terms, I think this is proof that men have not evolved from monkeys. Really, when was the last time you saw a monkey dig a hole?

This series did it for me. I have always assumed that men and women were like oranges and apples…both equal, not comparable. It behooves me to no end to admit it finally and inequitably---men are vastly superior.

But having said this, when it comes to women guys, in all matters---I suggest you just keep that superiority secret, or the hole you will be digging will be one you might not come out of.

After all, someday all that digging is going to make you sore, and women can do one thing men can’t.

And that’s another blog.



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