Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thomas Edison, Gets NO Respect

Nobody’s Opinion:

There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking.”
---Thomas Edison.

Okay, I’ve about had enough. As an American citizen I think we should all demand an apology long overdue, for the complete idiots in our Congress who have outlawed that wonderful invention…Edison’s electric light bulb.

It’s bad enough they didn’t give the man a national holiday, but this is just the last insult.

Yes, our great “rulers” of our 21st century band of robbers have mandated that all light bulbs will be replaced by 2012.

For what? So the great Jeffrey Immelt of General Electric can retire with even more billions in his pocket? So we can create another disaster of trying to figure out how to rid the earth of discarded light bulbs filled with poisonous mercury?

This stupid idea should go right along up there with the last one they had about making fuel out of our very food supply.

Yeah, our great politician are thinking alright…they are thinking only of their own careers and pockets which are lined by the “We have to come up with new jobs, because we’ve outsourced all the other ones.”

The people will starve, but as Ted Turner reminded us, there are too many of us anyway.

All day yesterday while sitting before Congress, Federal Reserve Buddha, Bernanke, kept calling the American people…consumers. When Ron Paul was talking to him, the look on his face was so condescending that if you had stuck a bulb in his face, it would have lit up.

Really folks…that’s all we are to them--consumers. The companies control our congress so much that they insisted they send us checks because we have stopped “consuming”

Heaven forbid.

This anger of mine has been brewing for quite some time now. I first felt like throwing a well-deserved metaphorical “punch” when I was attending the Patent Office’s annual Inventor’s Convention at Epcot Center in 2000. The first speaker from the Patent office (who should be thankful I do not mention his name) said in his opening statements that Thomas Edison achievements did not even compare to the invention of the internet.

I just about lost my cute little cowboy hat.

Right. Whenever I fly over the earth and look down on all those glorious lights I am thinking…God Bless Bill Gates.

Or is it Al Gore?

Not too much later I noticed that Thomas Edison was being left out of all Time Magazine’s men and women of the most historical importance issues. He was barely mentioned---usually on the last page.

It was very obvious that Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor, entrepreneur, and genius that ever walked the earth…was being downsized by the rulers in power.

They are erasing him from history, making him a mere peon in the annals of invention.

Heaven forbid this home-schooled man of independent thinking inspires any children of America. They are meant to be good boys and girls and follow the “state.”

Why am I so angry?

Well for one, he lit up the world. Okay, maybe he didn’t “invent” the concept of the light bulb, but he gathered the first scientific “lab” and figured out how to get the light bulb to last…and then he went on and developed the electric generators to light up New York;

Mass electricity for the masses of the planet was born.

Most of the time, he had to go and lay out the lines himself, because the hired men were having trouble doing it.

Las Vegas and Tokyo alone should declare a Tom Edison day and serve special drinks in his honor.

Yeah I know---he got into a big fight with Westinghouse with the AC/DC argument, but the New York Subway system still runs on DC to this day.

He also was trying to invent a battery to run cars.

And there’s that minor fact that he invented the way to record “sound.” If not for Tom Edison, all those nifty I-Pods could not be plugged into all those little ears. Thank of all the products on the market that use “sound”

Thanks Tom.

And motion pictures? Yes, thanks to home-schooled Thomas Edison, motion pictures, came into being, which lead to our now perfect propaganda machine for the masses…Television.

Did you ever here a word of thanks from any Hollywood mogul?

Like I said…no respect.

It was Mr. Edison along with his neighbor Henry Ford, who developed the concepts of mass production which launched America into all its’ wealth and greatness, and has made China very rich indeed.

Does China give respect to Mr. Edison? Nope. How about Wal-Mart?

Now our congress is trying to get rid of Henry Ford’s car. With their trade policies, and environmental hogwash, they will no doubt succeed.

The next step is Edison’s light bulb.

Frankly, I’m ready to outlaw our whole dimwitted Congress.

They want us to turn off our electric, get out our candles, throw away our guns, stop driving our cars, and gather up our cell phones so they can monitor us, while we develop brain cancer.

Martin Luther once “had a dream,”--- it was a grand one, but it’s still a dream---and for that our Congress gave him his own holiday, and just about every street in America named after him.

But Thomas Edison made his dreams actually come true, and now the whole world basically operates from some thought (build upon by many) out of Thomas Edison’s head.

Did Thomas get a Thomas Edison Day? Is he honored in our nation’s capitol?

Is an inventor worth more than a politician?

Not if you’re stupid.

What’s the message here?

Grow up to be a politician. Inventors get no respect.

I’m turning off my light, and going to bed. These dark days of idiots is coming fast enough.



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