Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Muslim Torture: Plaid

Nobody Cares: If you want final proof why we cannot let rich Muslims infiltrate our country and take over our parking lots...then here it is: only a banana-head would buy a car like this, and think that having a car that looks like an old pair of Dan Ackroyd's pants, is something that will make him the envy of all his peers.

This is what happens when you hang around camels too long.

I don't care if this car has a gold-plated steering wheel, heated seats that message your tush, a $20,000 stereo system, I-Pod's latest stuff, and two missles that can be launched out the's still fugly.

Which means, beyond ugly. If Brad Pitt had underwear on with this pattern...I wouldn't touch him, in fact---I'd insist he leave the room.

Only Rodney Dangerfield could have owned this car, and got any respect. Which is why you do not see the owner standing anywhere near it.

It's only redemption is it's not in red.'s not...right? Please...tell me it's not. No. No...stop...No more...I'll talk...whatever you want me to say!...Not the red! Nooooooooo!



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