Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Obama is Patriotic? Nobody Knew!

Nobody Knows: Today, the usual mass confusion of mankind remains forever embedded in so many unanswerable mysteries, that someone should brand us forever…”The Duh Species.” Here are some obvious questions from this week that are on, I’m sure, lots of ‘duh’ minds who have more than a few questions of their own to add.

Nobody knows: Just exactly when Obama decided that he actually needed votes besides African-Americans so badly that he put a flag on his lapel and made a beeline for every American historical monument that he could think of --- in order to try to convince us all that he truly is proud to be an American, not a Muslim as his name suggests. The fact that millions of Muslims all over the world are jumping up and down and crying his name for joy with guns held high is not suppose to be noticed.

Nobody Knows: Who is writing Obama’s speeches? And just how many favorite Presidents can you name in one speech? In Independence he mentioned John Adams, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman, and Mark Twain. Wait… Mark Twain was the President of Missouri. No matter. Obama’s on his way to Mt. Rushmore where he can find some more past Presidents to compare himself too.

Nobody Knows: If Obama really sat on his (white) grandfather's shoulders and watched astronauts: if his white grandmother really sat him on her knee and told him about the Declaration of Independence: if that e-mail he sent to that pretty blond white actress was just about “friendship:” or if he really was dogging bullets in Bosnia. Nobody knows if somewhere a black dress has been sent to the cleaners.

Nobody Knows: In all the local papers, there is a new fad going around, where black college-educated women are being encouraged to send in a sample of their DNA, only to find out their ancestors are NOT from Africa, but from the Polynesian islands! Even though it’s puts a real shock to their plans for further governmental educational grants, they can now claim a genetic relationship to Barack Obama. And since Obama is related to George W. Bush, DNA argues, if elected, there will be no change.

Nobody Knows: Why the press didn’t make a very big deal out of Obama’s glorious and well delivered patriotic speech yesterday? When he made the speech on “race” everyone claimed he was descended from the Divinci Code! Another question: Why did Obama decide not to wear the American flag pin AFTER we were attacked on 9/11, when just about everyone in the United States was flying one? The fact that he sees no problem keeping his name Obama Hussein, when he used to being called Barry, is a question we can’t figure out either.

Nobody Knows: Obama was making it clear he did not want to be questioned anymore about being a patriot. He said he would not question McCain’s patriotism, even though it’s fair game to let any one else he knows to go ahead and blast the man for sitting around for years just being tortured. Obama was helping the poor, which makes him more qualified to help Africa. As we are being reminded every day, Zimbabwe is very important.

Nobody Knows: Just where do they find all these retired generals whose constant motif is to attack the country they served, while being generously compensated with their inflation-proof pensions? They must get life-time gas fill-ups for their “testimonies.”

Nobody Knows: Why Madonna wants to move back to New York and have wild sex with New York Yankee, Alex Rodriguez. After all, he might be on steroids. It’s also unknown just when she will admit she is gay and marry Christie Brinkley.

Nobody Knows: Nobody can figure out just how all those thunderbolts managed to jump the Northern California border and light the whole state of Arizona on fire.

Nobody Knows: That China and United States really have a lot in common: neither country can find their own oil.

Nobody Knows: Why the United States went into Iraq, protected and developed the oil fields, help put a “democracy” in place, and now that democracy has decided to give the oil out to the highest bidder, which will not be the United States since we have no money left over from fighting the war.

Nobody Knows: Why we continue to go by the motto: “If you build it, they will take it over, and screw you.”

Nobody Knows: Why the only smart thing said this week came from the King Saudi’s lips. “If your people are suffering from high gas prices, reduce the taxes on gas. Don’t blame me.”



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