Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama Strokes His Pen

Nobody's Fool: Obama (sorry, after today, he doesn't deserve the honor of being called "President") decided today that all our hard-earned taxpayers money---money that they take out of our paychecks every week, will be used to fund abortions all over the world.

How much is THIS going to cost?

Yes, Mama Obama, with the stroke of a "pen" decided to bring back one of Bill and Hillary's favorite ways to spend our pay for women in other nations to have abortions.

Now----whether your pro-choice, or against abortion, it makes no difference on the point I'm about to make.

At a time when our own nation of America has fallen into such deep debt, due to our politicians, the fact that ONE man...just ONE man, can take OUR money and use it to pay for other people's abortions all over the world, instead of using that money to pay off our debt, or pay for OUR our military, our health care, our energy..etc.-----

The fact that he can use our money for this horror, with millions of Americans believing that abortion is an obscenity beyond comprehension. He takes our money, and uses it like a pimp.

Obama might as well be named Stalin. Barack Stalin Hussein, the terrible.

Hey, I gave him a few days grace...he just lost it.

Obama, it seems, had on his mind as one of his first priorities, to control the world's population, and also make sure that aborted fetuses make it to the science labs in order to save the rich.

What? Do you think that Universal Health Care is going to pay for you to get the latest stem-cell embryo medical procedure if ... if you're poor?

He's KING OF THE WORLD! And he has just begun.

This nobody believes that it's one thing to leave that decision up to the individual like all the liberals complain... it's quite another thing when a government takes money from millions of people who would disapprove of any money being used to kill...and giving it out for exactly that.

Yes, Obama now provides the sword.. with OUR money. If the liberals want to donate their OWN money for abortions around the world, that's another issue...

But conservatives all over the country should be screaming...literally, screaming.

For Obama to take our money and give it away to the this time in our history..shows you where he is leading us fast... child, one couple: It might happen sooner than we think. Watch for it...unless you're black, or Spanish, and promise to vote Democratic.

Can you SEE how disgusting this is?

Our "system" is completely broken.

And he announced today that he is going after Rush Limbaugh.

Enjoy him while you can.



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