Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Fashion of Wal-Mart VS the Fashion of the Rich

Nobody Flashes Favorite E-Mails--
I got these pictures in my mailbox this week...all of them were taken at Wal-Mart...but one, (can you guess which one?) That one was taken at a very rich Paris fashion show, with lots of really rich people around, who as we all know, would not be caught dead in a Wal-Mart, unless of course Al Gore was making an appearance in Aisle Nine as the Jolly Green Giant, and passing out Green Electric Car Coupons.
Frankly, I think they have a lot of nerve making fun of Wal-Mart people, the "little people" that most of them can't stand and would sooner rather than later get rid of.
If you guessed that the women dressed up as Kermit's Heavenly Blind-Date, was the rich chick, then you would be correct.
So---do YOU see any difference in the "fashion" style of the rich and famous, and the poor and funkable?
Me neither.
If I had to choose an outfit, I'd go with the ACORN worker in her red boots, and her pimp.
Dying your hair to match your outfit is the new rage as we saw Drew Barrymore and Jay Leno do the other night on Jay's program.
The Model with Kermit's sperm hanging off her, has a pimp too, I'm sure.
And the lady with the nails? Obviously, she's never had to work...she is on disability, which makes her the smartest one in the group.
As for the guy in the Easter Eggs outfit---I want to see his Christmas outfit. I bet he lights up.
"ATTENTION...ATTENTION....Shoppers...all children stay away from aisle three.. DO NOT PICK THE PINK BUNNY....repeat...
DO NOT PICK THE PINK BUNNY...(But the green frog is free.)
