Monday, September 28, 2009

Nobody's Perfect: Roman Polanski

Nobody's Perfect:
" Okay, so I used some quaaludes to make her relax.."
"So---I got her drunk, and I knew she was only 13...but, hey...I could tell she liked me...and you know, it was better she had her first time with me, than some young guy who didn't know what to do with such...innocence."
"And NOW you arrest me? This is ridiculous. After all these years? What's wrong with you people! She has already forgiven me!"
(Nobody Makes this up)
It's just not a good year for Roman Polanski, or for Poland for that matter. And now, we are being given a front seat to the flexing muscles of the International Court. What a better way to start the "arresting" of international criminals than with a Polish guy! After all, the Polish President has said some pretty nasty things about Obama dismantling the missiles in Poland...
Now, who will be next?
I can't wait for the televised trial, can you? I bet it lasts at LEAST a year. It's going to give him a whole new career.
The irony of this man's life. He was really into drugs, used them to rape a child, and so were the drug-up Mansion killers who slaughtered his wife and child.
Has he suffered enough?
Can a spider make another web right after you knock it down the day before?
I hope he gets put away for life. I always thought he was overrated anyway.



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