Wally Buffet and Beaver Gates

What was the purpose? Basically, Don’t worry; be happy---America survived a depression before. So what if you are living through hell right now? America will come out of it, it always has. (Give or take 50 years)
This was Warren Buffet’s big message.
Well, yes, but that was before we had Universal Health Care, (wait and see) and a hundred ga-zillion dollar deficient, (Wally)---a historical first.
Obviously, these guys know that, but the students don’t.
At least Bill kept his mouth shut. He did admit, if there was a terrorist strike, then, America might not make it…but he said it softly.
It’s no wonder these guys are billionaires. They’ve got that “Aw shucks, you can trust me and what I say!” act down. Warren even admits that to get the big bucks, you must take a communication class as he did, to get it.
When Warren was asked about “greed,” he just shucked it off. There will always be greed, so what? How can you argue with that?
Okay, Wally Buffet thinks that our country was not really damaged by the Wall-Street/Gov/ Fed/ power and money grab. He acts as if it’s just pimple on the butt of a baby. No big deal.
Does anyone else remember, besides me, that right before the big meltdown of global finance, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, pooled their massive fortunes and put them in some kind of “charity trust?” And does anyone else, besides me, wonder if these two men knew what was going to happen?
I mean---how many of those “global economic meetings” were they at? How many “vacation getaways” did these guys attend? How could they NOT know?
Wally Buffet tells you one truth that is a secret of success that was not so secret. Always go for the long term. He has put $34 billion into Burlington North. Why? Because he knows that once the amnesty is passed, our population is going to skyrocket. So moving stuff by trains is the way to go. Fifty years from now, everything will be moved by train, just like it is in China.
The goal is to get everything under control. Obama has announced he wants a big railroad federal system. You don’t have to go to Columbia to see that Wally and the Beav are going into business with Eddie Haskell.
When Bill Gates mentioned we are having a pandemic. I thought, “Come on…he’s a genius, he knows that less people have been killed by this flu than the regular flu. “
Are these men REALLY that ill informed? (Did Bill Gates really go to Harvard?)
In the year 2000, Bill Gates stepped down from his company and devoted all his time to “charity’ work. Did that have anything to do with Bill Clinton and the fact that Janet Reno was trying to break him up? Was there a merger there with a “world government” plan? We’ll help you, if you do THIS?
By the end of the summit, I must admit. Bill Gates at least did well on stepping around the new energy start-ups questions. Most of them won’t make it, he said, and that’s more truth than Warren Buffet spoke the whole night.
In the end, I realized they really didn’t say much of anything besides mutter platitudes and generalities, much like a politician. But what they did bring to the table was optimism---optimism to all those rich kids at Columbia, hoping to be the next Bill Gates.
Can optimism save a country?
Will optimism save your life when you are diagnosed with a cancerous tumor that needs to be operated on, but the waiting list is two years?
Will optimism help you get a job in Detroit tomorrow?
I tell you one thing; I’d feel more optimistic if Warren Buffet had given that 30 billion to helping small business America instead of saving Goldman Sachs, because if America can only exist because of the state of the stock market, then America is already lost.
Maybe Wally should go back to school, take some history courses, and stop hanging around Eddie. As for the Beav…well, he’s just the Beav.
America might be doomed for the next fifty years, but there is no doubt---the Beav and Wally...will survive.
Labels: Propaganda
Right on, I saw this piece of propaganda yesterday on cnbc.com and was blown away.
To gloss over the US's 21st century hurdles and cheerlead these surprisingly misinformed and naive group of tomorrow’s elites, is offending. More offending is CNBC’s disservice to the general public watching this stuff and taking it seriously.
One thing I disagree with you on though is Buffet's 30+ billion rail deal. I think there is a chance the US is repositioning itself to re-industrialize. This isn’t necessarily a positive development; monetary policy could force people to work for rice in the future.
Thank you for calling out this POS CNBC special.
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