Red Moons, Progressive Property, and Real Women
I would like to thank god for the moon, where soon all progressive Democratic Citizens will be going to due to the fact that they already own property. Spielberg, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Diane Feinstein, and Madeline Albright, paid billions to get the first prime cuts. The Bush family already has a compound, but as Doug Powers said on his blog today, only REAL woman will be able to get up there without their boobs exploding. That means that they will all have to leave their wives here. Doug is doing his best to save the woman of the earth from a most painful experience. Doug is also a very accomplished spaceman, because he comes and deletes all my empty spaces. Take that last statement however you like in the context of your own imagination. Everyone on earth does. Just be glad you still have property here on earth, because you will NOT want to live on the red moon of the future, even IF all the movie stars are there. I suggest they take possession of this property right away, or at least start paying property taxes. |
Or donate their shares to the Katrina victims.
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