Forty-Three Seconds and Counting
Nobody’s Opinion; Here’s the case---I haven’t been following this story too closely, but every time I pass my TV set there is mention of the Lacrosse Team raping a stripper. The debate goes on endlessly. Speculations being the number one fish-hook for all programs. It takes one back to that endless year of the O.J. Simpson trial, where everyday you had to turn on the tube just to see what evolved.
Still, there are some obvious points here from both sides to consider.
Remember that feminist’s revolution that supposedly happened? The one where Gloria Steinem, Betty Freidman, Angela Davis and Jane Fonda freed the American woman for being equal to men? Equal in pay, equal in brains, equal in decision making, and even equal in to serve in the military? Women were going to be transformed with the sexual revolution to be able to have casual sex, get abortions freely, and demand that she had been sexually harrrased?
Well, it backfired.
What we did get was tons of movies where pretty women with thin little skinny arms can fight and demolish ten men at once and do it with boob jobs and big lips, and they never break a sweat.
Women are more sexual objects now, then they have ever been. Even the news channels must have sexy and good looking babes to deliver the news. Every woman has to still strive to be a size-8, even if she has had four kids.
We have sexual perfection gawking at us day and night on TV. Now, we can have brains...but we'd better have a nice body to go with it.
I don’t care too much for the founders of Feminism. They showed their true colors during the Clinton-Monica fiasco, where they tried to spin it into “adults having sex.” instead of what it was; a President being disrespectful to his wife, his daughter, his country, and a very young and naïve rock star-stricken girl. Their silence was pitiful. They were frauds.
So, the wages didn’t go up much. (for us nobodys’) But, we did have a lot of women go into the work force. We had an “ want to be equal huh? All divorces are now no-fault. You’re on your own.” Women found out that just how hard that was.
Where once mothers got alimony and help with getting a career, after feminism she was left with raising the kid all on her own, and god help her if her mother and father did not lend a hand.
Now as I understand it, this girl was a single parent. I hate to say it, but Nike’s are still $100 dollars and the other kids in school will eat you up if you don’t have any. In our culture---character has been replaced with appearances, and that costs money.
The divorce rate soared up to one in two marriages ending in it, which means there was a whole lot of kids being raised without fathers. For years the government treated the collection of child support about as seriously as the collection of illegal immigrants.
So a single mom can see quick and easy money in stripping. She figures---‘Hey, I can dance in a bikini, the same thing I would wear on the beach! I go home. I can spend more time with my kid. I can get my son those shoes.’
On the other side are the boys. They have been to all the topless strip bars, and these guys look on it in a whole different way. Not too many of them at that young an age have figured out that when a girl dances sexually around them, in her mind she might be thinking he’s “ugly” or whatever--- She is thinking on her job…how to look sexy, it’s what she has to do to entertain…to get the money.
Most of these girls you can bet had absent fathers.
Anyway, the guys get drunk…and the drunker they get, the more possibility they have of convincing themselves that they have the right to “rape” because, well, “Didn’t they pay for it?” Some of them know it’s wrong, but some simply don’t care. The girls are whores in their minds.
All those years of women’s liberation just simply got guys laid more easily.
If just one kisses her, a few more will join in…the girl is in too deep. She’ll go along just because she knows she is outnumbered and could be killed. It’s instinct.
Of course these boys should know better. But, with pornography everywhere and children growing up without fathers to teach the boys how to respect the woman, and a sexually addicted predator as an x- President, it's no wonder there is not much concern. Most importantly of all, the attack on religion has almost erased morals in the young, so this kind of thing will be happening more often.
Then again, she could be just causing a scandal---crying rape, when she wasn’t, and after the lie, having to go on through with it.
We saw that in O.J. Simpson trial, where a murder trial was turned into a racial trial. When the media joins in, justice can go out the door and the one who committed the crime, gets off.
The only way to stop that is by not allowing this stuff to get on TV.
Every forty-three seconds the number of crimes (murder, rape, robbery, or assault) committed in the United States goes up by one.
That girl, if nothing else has learned how to count the hard way.
Nobody Wins: When the military generals came out and attacked Rumsfeld, they just empowered bin Laden to come out and call for American citizens to be camel fodder. Thanks a lot guys.
Nobody's Perfect: John Travolta is going to play the infamous J.R. I may be the only American who has never seen an episode of Dallas. Please contact me if you are the other American who also has not seen it. We could form a "Never Seen Dallas Nobodys" club.
Nobody Cares: That Al Gore and the new Progressives think that global warming is more important than getting nuked. Why? Because they think the problem is too many people on the earth, causing the earth to die. This nobody is not going to tell you where this kind of reasoning leads, I'll let you connect the green dots.
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