Thursday, April 20, 2006

Where Is Richard Gere When You Need Him?

Nobody’s Opinion; Two giant megalomaniacs met today, each one has vowed to take over the world, and each one plans on using the other to do it. Who will win in this match for global takeover? Will Bill Gates finally take over the rest of the world, in which all paper will disappear, no more books will be printed (in the name of saving trees), everything that you own, watch, and eventually drive will be made by Microsoft? Or will President Hu Jintao let him wire up all of China, and reap the profits? Will Hu Jintao use Bill Gates and all the rest of the big CEO’s of America to get the latest technology into his grasp; thereby letting the Chinese copy it once again and eventually flood the market with an even cheaper system and FREE help to internet problems and in the end putting Microsoft out of business?

Will one day President Hu Jintao say:

Get out-- China owns all companies and all property, and even though our trade surplus in over 600 billion, we’re cashing in. And by the way, pay off your loans, or give us your country. We already have you surrounded; I want the White House painted red.”

The fact that a representative of a major foreign country flew in and met first with a CEO instead of paying respects to the President of the United States says it all, that it really is the big companies that are running our government.…but I do have a few more opinions about it....(of course you knew that.)