Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Radio Free Mexico

Nobody’s Opinion; There is dyspepsia tonight on my radio. I’m listening to
“The Savage Nation” and Rick Roberts is on a roll tonight shouting…

”I want my country back!”

He is whipping his audience up into a frenzy with good old American patriotism that makes you feel great. Your toes tingle and your eyes water up. Your emotional gulag is broken and across the nation’s highways, homes, computer desks, and outside on the desert lawns are the real Americans saying “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!”

Then the CBS news break comes on, we hear a Catholic bishop’s voice praying: “Please Lord, let us pray that the horrible, and mean Congress will give these poor illegal aliens a right to stay in our country. We must do right thing.” Well, I can’t remember just exactly what he said…but that’s what he was saying. The left have FINALLY got a religious bishop they can truly love, with a prayer probably written by James Carville while sitting in a barber chair.

The Catholic Church was decimated in the last election by the left, who brought the whole church down with the relentless attacks of sexual scandals inside the church.

Catholic churches and schools closed all over the country. The left were in heaven. Nevertheless, the poor, mostly older souls who lost their only place of solitude and hope because of this calculated political maneuver was hard to watch.

I don’t know about you. But my heart breaks much more for a poor widow, who had only her Sunday morning sermons to help her through her days now lost, than an illegal alien who is making good money taking away high-paying construction job from a laid-off Ford employee. Where were the bishops then? Where were the Democrats?

No, the Democratic sinners were casting the first stone and they will cast the last before it’s all over.

Now, they both need fresh Mexican bodies. The Church lost billions…and the Democrats need votes. What is sad to know, is that our President who despite what he has said in recent days, agrees with them too. For us, it’s a lose-lose situation.

And now Hillary loves Jesus. Any day now she is going to tell us she has endorsed the Catholic faith, and Jesus will carry us all to the promise land, if you elect her for President.

Anyway, back to Rick who is mad about the children being told they cannot fly the American flag in their own school. Lots of normal hard-working Americans are calling in now, the emotions are flying…we are ready to take up our guns and go into Washington and demand the whole Senate go home to their mansions, and let us take over. The President can go too. Let them all go home.

Maybe we should include in the swearing in all Congressional, Presidential, and judicial swearing in ceremonies the Hippocratic Oath of “First, do no harm.”

Then, another news break. This time we have John Kerry saying that we have to use force on the Iraq government, they are just sitting around doing nothing,

I guess John would send the Special Forces to shoot them in the back if they don’t do what we want. Yes, they are the elected officials and we have the right to tell them what to do. If Kerry was President he would make sure that they did what he said. But if Bush tells them that, then Kerry would say he’s an American dictator.

Now, I’m getting dizzy. The very liberally owned leftist CBS somehow gets its propaganda agenda on the simple news. And they wonder why everyone is turning off the news and going to the internet.

What’s driving the left nuts is the majority of Americans work, they listen to the radio while they work, and the radio is mostly conservative. We don’t go to their movies of propaganda anymore, we don’t buy their papers, and we stay away from their networks… and they need money, so they have to put on the only thing that draws

Americans are turning on American Idol instead of CNN. They don’t want to listen to people tell them how bad they are for wanting a big car, higher wages than other countries, and a nation with one language

The radio historically has been just as powerful tool for freedom. It helped us free Europe, win WWII, and bring down Russia.

So, we need to bring down Mexico. We could teach them freedom…on the radio.

Nobody Knows; Some guy was doing experiments on people some time ago trying to see how much they would obey authority. One guy would be told to give electric shocks to another behind a curtain (who was an actor) and he would hear the on the other side scream with each increase of voltage. The results were 60 to 75 percent keep it up.

John Kerry has suggested we use this program on the Iraq elected officials.

Nobody’s Perfect; Eminem, the white rapper who proudly showed the world that a white boy could dress just as stupid as a black man, while at the same time pretending he was a drunk and stoned Dylan Thomas, is going to divorce his first wife again. I think we should forgive him, after all, we forgave Liz Taylor. Maybe they can get together.

Nobody Wins; When Katie Couric decides to quit her morning gig and try to deliver serious news, nobody wins but Katie.
