Toe Suckers and Political Snake Holes
Nobody’s Opinion; Every time I see Dick Morris I get a picture of him sucking on Sherry Rowland’s (the call- girl of the moment) toes--- on that balcony.
And I thought, wait a minute. Who in their right mind would go out to a balcony in Washington D.C., in broad daylight, especially if they were this very wise and important consultant to the President of the United States, in his bathrobe and suck on a prostitute’s toes, thereby setting himself up for a scandal?
Obsequious servants will do anything it seems.
They use to call Morris in political circles, the snake, because he was so good at what he did. And as we all know, snakes shed their skins. But they are still snakes. It doesn’t change their core.
When Dick Morris shed his skin after Clinton fired him for that “scandal” and became a stanch Republican, I was looking for the snake hole. I grew up in the swamps of Florida, and I’ve seen plenty of them.
I’ve been watching him carefully; waiting for this moment: the moment when Dick Morris, like the great Oz, would finally step out from behind the hole of the dark curtains of power and reveal himself. But, he has been careful…sneaky…waiting for the moment.
For years, I found it extremely hard to believe when Clinton left office, that many of the people, who had literally worshipped Bill Clinton, would leave office and suddenly, in a matter of a few months, change their whole political outlook and hate the old political party they worked so hard to put in power.
I mean, in the real world…who does that? O.K….besides lawyers?
Right away some of the top jobs on television were given to two of the closest advisors to Bill Clinton…George Stephonopoulos and Dick Morris. They instantly wrote books trying to distance themselves from the Clintons…but did they?
They both admitted they still believed in the same ideas of the left. It was just the “disappointment” of the “behaviors” of the Clintons that bothered them. Neither Dick nor George has ever come out against Bill Clinton in any real way. Not that I know of. On the contrary, they literately beam like school girls when they write or talk of the time spent with him and how much they accomplished.
Now to be fair, I have not read all of Dick's books, maybe he really tore Bill Clinton up. But I've never heard him do it on Fox. (Although I could have missed it.)
With Bill Clinton, literally seething from the audacity of impeachment, and still in control of most of the government, putting just about every single loyal Marxist he could find in every branch of the government he possibly could, thereby setting himself up for the comeback, and payback, ….it wasn’t hard to believe that old toe-sucking Morris would still suck the toes of his old boss.
In fact, that whole story of him being caught with a prostitute, and fired by Bill because he let her listen to a conversation he was having with President Clinton on the phone sounds..What…hypocritical?
Right---President Bill Clinton; who talked to foreign ministers with Monica under his desk--- fired Dick Morris for a conversation on the phone with a girl in the room. More than likely these guys shared woman on a weekly basis.
If Sally had not been so adamant that a Republican did NOT put her up to it reported Dick to the tabloids, I might have believed the story. To me that’s proof in itself the whole episode was fabricated to get Morris out, and over to the republicans side as a spy. They had to convince the public that the snake had shed his skin in order to get into their camp.
The story was he had been fired and wanted out. It’s been used in history before... the old, “They were terrible to me, I want to join your camp.” ploy.
Back then, as now, the republicans were blamed for everything. Scandals are created to obscure and deflect. So that’s why I had this feeling that Dick Morris was really put on Fox as Clinton’s tool to help guide the conversations of America.
George too, presents himself as above it all, but inside he is a flaming liberal.
I remember once hearing Dick say that one of the proudest achievements of his life was when Bill Clinton and he got welfare reform passed. Of course he is doing a real Bill Clinton here, because Clinton did not want to pass it, and vetoed it three times.
I bet it was Dick Morris who said, “Bill, you’ve got to sign this and come to the center or you will not win a second term.”
So, in a funny way, Dick can take credit for making Bill sign it, but in their rewritten history, the two of them did it all, and saved the people.
Dick Morris says he’s bipartisan. He has said that he now works for only republicans.
In fact he has put out the image that he truly wants Hillary to lose to Condi Rice, and wrote a book about it.
Now, in all fairness, I felt there was a purpose to this book. And it was not to beat Hillary, as much as he claims to hate her. It was to promote, and get the American people to once again accept that a WOMAN and only a woman should be the next president. Just like the TV sitcom with Geena Davis…another manipulation. He knows Rice is not going to run.
Dick Morris considers himself the reincarnation of Niccolo Machiavelli. It’s obvious he has studied his craft to great extent. But we must remember, that he was the brains behind all the vicious, and slanderous attacks that help put Clinton back in office. He has no principles when dealing with power, just like Machiavelli-- whatever it takes to win is his motto, as was the Clinton’s.
So finally at last, the snake came out of his hole and hissed .in his article Run like a Democrat to Win at
He says the republicans must endorse the democratic views to win, because well---according to Dick Morris-- the American people are all democrats now. (?)
He says the average person sees all this weather stuff as the consequence of years of pollution. (?) Gee Dick, I’m average and I don’t believe that.
On Iraq, he hissed, “Most of the voters are just disgusted with the party that landed us in this no-win situation.” (He is warming up here for the strike.)
His final statement “It is only by moving to the center and to the left that the congressional Republican Party can respond to the massive voter anger its candidates encounter at every turn.”
Ouch, that’s a nasty bite. All republicans must now become democrats.
Now, anyone with the sense of a snake knows the very reason the conservative base is turning away from the Republican Party is that we elected them and they, like Dick Morris, shed their skins and acted more like democrats than actual democrats.
There are snake skins all over the streets of D.C., people are tripping on them.
Where are the conservatives we elected? Did they go down the same snake hole?
Has toe-sucking become addictive?
To be fair, I haven’t read Dick’s book on Hillary. Maybe he truly doesn’t want Hillary to be President. But he is working as a consultant for Mike Huckabee (R) in Arkansas, who is big into Hillary care.
I read that Clinton wants Huckabee to run against Hillary in 2008. How fortunate it will be to have Dick Morris managing his campaign to make sure Huckabee would lose, just as Carvell working for Kerry set him up to lose. Clinton’s boys are still obsequiously toe-sucking.
These guys are drowning in their own snake oil.
I know, I’m name-calling…pretty childess….
Dick Morris loved the Presidents speech. As did Ted Kennedy…those snakes.
A speech that basically suggest amnesty to all illegal immigrants, which will lead to America’s downfall, within our lifetime.
And anyone who would give up our American sovereignty over this invasion from Mexico…is a toe-sucking, power grabbing, sneaky-slimy, calculating, truculent, treasonous, and verifiably venomous snake.
Wow, that felt good.
Otherwise, I’m sure Dick Morris is a nice guy. He just forgot that Machiavelli said "So long as the general majority of men are not deprived of their property or honour, they are satisfied."
Either Dick Morris is just like a snake-skinned prostitute working for whomever in power, or he is still working for the big snake, Bill Clinton--- which is exactly the same thing.
Nobody’s Perfect: John McCain today was asked how he felt about the USS Oriskany being put to rest at the bottom of the sea. He said he missed his “comrades” who served with him on the boat. John needs to watch his vocabulary….we all know his progressive leanings, but he really should try to hide them a bit more carefully.
Nobody Knows: I heard on Coast to Coast last night that President Bush awarded Halliburton a $385 million dollar contract to build concentration camps here in the United States. Trouble is; nobody knows just exactly who is going to be concentrated in them.
Nobody Cares; Clinton is writing the new communist manifesto, again promoting himself and his life in public service. He will give instructions on how the average nobody can go and help aids victims in Africa, and help Mexicans learn how to take over American jobs. Why bring the Chinese and Indians here when Mexicans are so much closer and even cheaper?
Can you imagine the conversation, what with Clinton being serviced while talking to Morris with a mouthful of hooker feet? I'd imagine you'd have to hit the "SAP" button to decipher that conversation.
As for "concentration camps", maybe they're only intended to be places to go to be able to go when you need a place for intense thinking.
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