Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Warning; Know Your Amygdala Tsunami Words

Nobody’s Opinion; Let’s face it…humans are emotional. It’s a fact. And because I’m human, I’m really emotional at this moment in time because like many Americans, I feel like I’m being manipulated.

And my amygdala has got me pretty teed off about it. About what you say?

About the way politicians are using words to control us. Somewhere there are huge think tanks doing experiments trying to figure out just the right words to flood our amygdalas with a cannonade of propaganda in order to facilitate an emotional tsunami and devastate whatever logical thought that may still exist after years of excessive re-programming through the public school system.

Wish I could tell you they are doing this for our benefit.

Emotions are ruled by the amygdala (uh-mig-duh-luh), a gland in our brains, and every day we get the latest words to push just the right amygdala buttons. “They” being politicians, CEOs, heads of states--- anyone who will benefit by controlling just what you think.

The real name for it is propaganda, or the study of semiotics. But, you will never hear that word to describe what is being done here…oh no, not in America. Like the JFK assassination, it’s a secret. It has become such a fine art here even Goebbels would be proud.

Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister, reported that there are four kinds of propaganda:

Propaganda through the written word.
Propaganda through the spoken word.
Propaganda through mass marches.
Propaganda through cultural gatherings.

Look familiar? Mass marches?

The liberals have had this art down for decades, but the republicans are catching up.

When FDR told the American people how they were unpatriotic “hoarders” if they did not deposit their money during the depression, it worked. There was a national amygdala explosion the next day. Everyone ran to the banks. Of course when FDR gathered up all the gold in the Unites States, he was not a “hoarder,” he was saving the country.

If you feel like you have been a bad person after listening to some pundit speech, chances are you might have heard that you are a “vigilante” or a “racist.” You are guilty of “excessive consumption,” “addicted to gas,” or “indifferent to the suffering.”

Remember, you are none of these things. Stay calm. It’s just that the government knows that the best defense they have for basically taking away your freedoms, taxing you to death, and not representing your wishes but the wishes of the powerful, is by throwing out a good offense, which is; make you think you are the bad guy. Attack!
Liberals especially like the words, “children, poverty, or progressive.”


“It takes a Village to raise a child.”
Translation: Hillary Clinton wants you to give the child up to the state, which will have complete control.

“The world’s richest nations should provide billions in aid for poor countries.”
Translation: Jacques Chirac thinks The United States taxpayers should fork out more money to the United Nations, most of which does not reach the “poor.”

“A concerned progressive must read the Washington monthly.”
When liberals use “progressive” they mean-- thinking of the future. Remember the Clinton’s first campaign song, “Don’t Stop Thinking about Tomorrow”?
Translation: James Carville wants you to read Marxist propaganda. Clinton used the word progressive throughout his autobiography, “My Life.” Two progressive guys who know you have no idea that this word was used by communists for decades.

And on the immigration issues we have some good ones;

We have the “path to citizenship,” (amnesty) “immigrant justice,” (amnesty) “value voters,” (amnesty) “undocumented workers,” (amnesty) “guest workers,” (amnesty) and “poor people trying to make living.” (amnesty)

The think tanks were buzzing on Starbucks that session.

Bill Clinton is a master. He uses the words, “shared opportunities, shared responsibility, and shared participation” for his new global network.

Translation; communism. And if you don’t believe in “global cooperation” you are an “immoral and unethical racist.”

Al Gore uses “green,” “global warming,” and “ecoimagination” to get your money.

Hillary will lead the new “renaissance” into the “progressive” future, where we will all share pedicabs (rickshaws) and diversity. Which means you have no freedom to say anything about anyone. We will become “sophisticated consumers” on health care, with the “right to die.”

So, to stop the tsunami of propaganda hitting you, consider the sources and say,

“I remain a vigilante, constitution loving, English speaking, freedom-loving American.”

And then get out your mental sump-pump.

Nobody’s Perfect; It seems that the touch-screen voting machines that are being used in many states now, have 3 levels of backdoor access written into the programming, which means, they can go in and change votes. Both republicans and democrats love this machine. Personally, I loved watching the chad counting, it was great entertainment.

Nobody Cares; It seems Richard Hatch, that famous winner of the Survival, has been sentenced to jail for not paying income taxes on his winnings. As I remember, he won the game by being a scum-bag cheater more or less. Seems he wasn’t smart enough to marry an illegal alien. Anyway, he can now survive in jail, which will not be hard as he is gay. Maybe this was his plan all along.

Nobody Knows; According to Aaron Russo, the man who started the Constitution Party-- there is no law that says we have to pay income taxes. According, the Supreme Court voted down the 16th amendment about eight times due to the fact that it was unconditional for the Congress to tax a man’s wages. Gee, throw in that the Federal Reserve took the money from Ft. Knox and put it under the Citi-bank in their Headquarters in New York, and the citizens of America looks real stupid. Actually, that's why baseball was get our attention away from what they were doing. Now, it's Brittany Spears.

Hey, don’t ask me, I am still looking for the plane in that released picture that the Pentagon put out today. All I could see was the blast. Now they are telling us what we see, when we don’t see anything. Amazing.