It's All In the Family of Meatheads
Nobody’s Opinion; Rob Reiner, known to most of America as “Meathead” wants to get the children of California into state nanny care as soon as possible. Kindergarten is no longer good enough. By the time they get to the age of five, their little brains have already been programmed by whose knows what kind of horrible parents.
He has introduced Proposition 82, which would tax anyone who makes over $400,000, a year, with a goal to collect 2.4 billion a year for the poor suffering little children who are not old enough to go to school, and are at this very moment being taught unforgivable and anti-liberal things daily from some idiot parent…things like:
1. Daddy is a man, mommy is a woman
2. It’s ok to fight back, if someone hits you.
3. George Washington was a great man.
4. Do not cheat on your tests.
5. Animals and trees are not as important as people.
6. If you need help, ask mom or dad.
7. Next to George Washington, Ronald Reagan was America’s favorite President.
8. Always ask questions if you are confused.
9. There is a God.
It’s just killing him that all these children are-- god forbid, being left alone with their own parents, thereby making them impossible to “control” once they get into school. He is on a “save the children crusade”, which I am sure he hopes takes him to the White House.
This is why I’m suggesting right here, a very logical and if I must admit, very generous nobody’s wishful conspiracy theory;
Hillary Clinton should get rid of Bill Clinton, and marry Rob Reiner. She would actually look better in the eyes of the world and still wear the pants in the family--- a family of meatheads. It will save Rob Reiner some time.
You are welcome Hillary. I’ve found your perfect match.
After all, nobody in the United States believes Hillary and Bill are man and wife anymore (not that they ever were) and she would impress many of the feminists, who would see a wonderful man in Rob Reiner. This might get her a few more votes for President.
Hillary loves the subject of pre-school. In face, in her book “It Take a Village” she was in awe of the French state nanny system which gets the little bugers as young as 2 weeks old. She thought it was the most wonderful thing since Hillary’s Health Care.
Hillary and Rob know that the brain is still forming during the first years of life. You can put the propaganda that will influence a whole lifetime into those developing synapses. This is also when the “bonding” occurs. And bonding children to the state according to these two meatheads would actually save the world from hunger, pain, and poverty.
The experts agree that it is estimated that half of all our knowledge---our life’s knowledge—is locked in during the first year. During the second year we learn half as much as we did during the first. Now, get the kid when he is four years old and just learning to talk and reason, and there is no limit to what you can do to mold their little minds.
They could raise a whole nation of obedient liberal meatheads. The schools are doing pretty well now, but just think of the possibilities!
Of course, like affirmative action, there will be casualties. All the low to middle income women who run nearly all the private care centers would have to get a bachelor’s degree and a one-year certificate in early childhood, at their own expense. They would be paying higher wages to people whom they would have no control over. All teaching would be state mandated. Many minorities and woman would be driven out of business, but you won’t hear that mentioned.
They don’t care about the rich or the poor here. What are important are their grand plans to control the whole history of humanity.
Long ago, by surprise, I found a book in a parking lot that had something to say about this subject…and believe me, it was rare find. It was called the “Dairy and Observations” by Thomas Edison, who preferred the Montessori Method of learning.
In 1948 he wrote; “Our system of education is a relic of past ages. The trouble with our way of education as generally followed is that it does not give elasticity to the mind. It casts the brain into a mould. It insists that the child must accept. It does not encourage original thought of reasoning, and it lays more stress on memory than observation. It breeds fear and from fear comes ignorance.”
You won’t find Thomas Edison in too many of Time Life's books. This dumbing down of our children has been going on since before Edison. Hey, I ought to know! I’m still pissed off at my sixth grade teacher who insisted I was crazy in front of the whole class when I told her that the “New Math” made absolutely no sense.
Years later, Richard Feynman (Nuclear physicist who worked at Los Alamos) lead a national movement to get it taking out of all public school system saying the same thing.
Wait! UPDATE…I just heard on the radio (l a.m.) that the taxpayers, despite the fact that their children score 47th among the 50 states on national tests, have just voted the proposition down.
There is life in California!
That does it--- Hillary and Meathead will now have to get married in order to save the children and to get their visions of state nanny and state medical fascism into the national mandate.
And if Hillary loses the election for President, and Bill Clinton replaces Kofi Annan at the United Nations, he can make home schooling illegal and mandate all children to be taken at birth to be put in home schools. This means she will have to stay married to him.
Sorry Hillary--- a meathead would have been preferably to a hound-dog…
You should know by now that when you hang around with meatheads, you can never tell which way they will roll. (….oooobad--- throwing pasta’s at nobody’s not allowed.)
Nobody’s Perfect; Rob Reiner is forgetting that every human being also has genetic proclivities that can override any “environmental” teachings you may try: just ask Jeffery Dalmer’s parents.
Nobody’s Knows; Meathead got his liberal proclivities from his liberal father Carl Reiner. I don’t think anybody cares if this was a liberal gene passed down, or if he just hung around too many of his father’s Hollywood friends. Science says!...Probably half and half.
Nobody Cares; Meathead says he got interested in child development when he got his first divorce and found out that he was personally screwed up from the time that HIS parents got divorced when he was small, therefore making him a very screwed up Meathead that he obviously has not gotten rid of. (whew!)
Nobody’s Fool: Like the “path to citizenship” we have not heard the last from Meathead and his “path to little meatheads.”
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