Mexicans, Hillary, Ann Coutler...A Day For A Fight
Nobody’s Opinion; I was trying to find something to write about tonight…I was leaning toward the fight between Hillary and Ann Coulter. It’s so silly because if you have ever read anything that Ann Coulter has written and then anything that Hillary Clinton has written, you would understand why they are all attacking her. Ann Coulter is a genius. Hillary’s writing (and reasoning) compared to Ann Coulter’s laser logic and irrefutable, out of this universe intelligence, is like seeing a third grader trying to swim the length of a pool, and an Olympic medal winner do it.
No wonder everyone is out to get her…Ann reveals it all. In fact, I vote we put Ann Coulter on a Wheaties box and make her the “Breakfast of Champions.” for 2006.
But, that was boring compared to the movie I watched tonight on cable called, “A Day without a Mexican.” directed by Sergio Arau. CNN is in on this, and it was the 2nd highest box office hit in Mexico.
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you haven’t.
Here it is in a nutshell; In California, one day, just out of the blue…all Mexicans disappear. Poof, they’re gone. All the white and rich people, (making you think that all white people in California are rich) are depicted in each scene as bigoted, racists, ignorance, helpless, stupid, and mean …really suffer in very lives when the Mexicans vanish, and end up begging the Mexicans to come back.
The border guards are depicted as mean and stupid. But in the end when the Mexicans come back they are just so happy to be able to keep their jobs. Without Mexicans they will not eat because they will have nothing to do. They can’t get other jobs, because they are too stupid.
After the Mexicans disappear all the people in California starve because there is no one picking the crops. Los Angeles has no traffic; tomatoes become as valuable as drugs. Trash is everywhere making you think that it’s only the Mexicans picking it up.
This is really funny, because Mexicans when not working leave trash everywhere. Just ask the people on the borders. Mexico City is the cesspool of the world. So, just to get out of the trash, I can see why they flock here. They need to trash new territory.
Truly, instead of English, maybe Al Gore could give them lessons in recycling.
In the movie there is a young white lady who is married to a Mexican musician but when he disappears we learn that she has been fooling around with her neighbor and has his child, and the innocent Mexican man has no clue…right.
I can’t give you a plot, because there was no plot. Everything was bad, the acting, and the script…even the camera work.
In actuality it was a very poor piece of propaganda, and meant to “wake” up American to just how much the Mexicans would be missed if they weren’t allowed to come into this country. They so desperately want you to know it.
I have a feeling that it just might backfire. Especially at the end, when they show a gang of Mexicans pushing up a latter in a fruit field, replicating the soldiers at Iwo Jima and the flag.
For all the people whose fathers served in WWII in the Pacific, that was it. OK…someone is really trying to pick a fight.
Wait…were those really Mexicans at the Revolutionary war fighting the British? Were those Mexicans on the shores of Normandy? Did Mexico free the black slaves? Was it Mexico that made California into the state it became? Did the Mexicans go to Vietnam? Did the Mexicans invent electricity? Did they invent the airplane? Did they invent the computer chip? How about the television? Or the telephone that they so love to use?
Well, according to this film, we Americans could not survive a DAY…not one, without the Mexicans.
What really takes the cake is this… what in the world is this doing on a movie channel, disguised as a “comedy.”
Ok, who owns STARZ? Vicente Fox?
All through the film you get these little “facts” thrown up…like “60%” of all crops in California are picked by Mexicans.
And…California, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona...etc…were once inhabited by Mexicans.
(Therefore making you think that it belongs to them.)
They are selling this to the Mexicans, and the Mexicans are buying it. Hey, a lot of Americans who don’t know any better are buying this.
On top of that, today President Bush was telling Spanish people they should learn English, but he was speaking to them in Spanish.
Well, why the hell should they? If the President of the United States can speak Spanish to them, then everyone else should too!
Oh…did I mention that all the Mexicans in the movie are just wonderful, caring, sweet and abused? No drug lords…no prison gangs…and it was even suggested that we start learning Spanish so that they can forgive us for being so mean. At the end of the film, the mean and bigoted Senator does just that, learns Spanish.
It’s bad enough that we have to get ALL sitcom actors spewing lines in Spanish...think about it. I’ve seen almost every television show trying to make the Americans learn Spanish by having their favorite TV idols speak it every week, somewhere in the show.
It’s gotten that sad.
This is sold as a comedy folks, but it’s not funny. At the very end of the film, you find out just who is behind it, because the very last thing that is heard is, “They never did find the weapons of mass destruction!”
The film was so absurd, I even wonder if it wasn’t meant to start a fight, in fact, some reporters should ask Hillary Clinton and Ann Coulter what each ones thinks about the movie and give them something else to fight about.
We know the end to this. Hillary, the coward that she is will just say “I haven’t seen it.” And Ann Coulter would say…”It’s trash.”
And the winner….Ann Coulter…by a knockout.
This nobody’s advises everyone to see this film, and then…go have tequila and cuss in your own family’s favorite dialect.
Nobody’s Perfect; I’m sure Hillary has not even read Ann Coulter’s new book Godless, it would be way above her reading level.
Nobody’s Knows; Why is it that when white people go to church in America and believe in God, they are depicted as idiots, religious fanatics, and morons in leftist movies, yet when Spanish people light a candle and pray, they are depicted as good and righteous, as if God prefers them over others? The left is going to have a hard time with this spin in the upcoming elections.
Nobody Cares; I don’t get it. All the liberals have been doing since President Bush has been in office is calling him every vile and vicious name in the world. BUT, Ann Coulter, is taking out of context and says something about the widows of 9/11 (which seems to be true) and even the right come after her. I didn’t see many coming to her defense. Gee Ann, you can’t win.
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