The Art of Creeping
For instance, old age creeps up on you. First, it’s the eyes. One day you wake up, and you don’t remember just when, (if you are under 40, be prepared) you can’t see the newsprint. You go out and get some cheap dollar magnifying glasses. You only wear them in the house of course, but then again…you live with it.
You also notice that you can no longer go out every night and dance for four hours straight on two hours of sleep. Where once you could drink 12 shots of tequila straight, now even one shot makes you dizzy. At one time you could run a mile, and now running around the block leaves you winded. Once, you never got sick, then all of a sudden, the usual winter flu is as predictable as the first snow. When we are young, we never gave those things a thought, until they’re gone.
And today, I finally felt it…a fact that I have been fighting, that I have been whole- heartily denying…America is dying. She’s having trouble getting out of bed.
She’s going to need a wheelchair soon.
Actually, it’s more like she’s been poisoned.
Oh, I know---I was as excited as everyone else about John Kerry’s big goof-up. Because let’s face it, the Republicans have been acting like idiots, with the spending, and the war, all the camera’s going up, and the gas prices. We are so happy that Kerry, the big idiot, just gave the final push for conservatives to go out and get their base back, to energize them and keep them in power.
Let’s hope they do, because the ruling Democrats are basically at this point, naked idiots. (They always have been elite socialist/fascists.)
But…it’s not that easy.
The President was a guest on Rush Limbaugh’s program today. And he said some things that to me were the proof that the old girl is doomed, unless we help her.
He started talking about how important Asia was to our economy. That we should realized that the millions of the new middle class population in China, and the millions of the new middle class population in India, would soon be able to buy products from America! This was the reason we need to keep on good terms with Asia. (They were talking about N. Korea)
So this is why we still have 30,000 troops STILL protecting South Korea. And this is why President Bush said that the American taxpayers will also protect Japan…so NIKE, Microsoft, General Electric, and Boeing can continue to do business? Why don’t they pay for their own troops to protect their companies? Why do we struggle so the big CEO’s can get on the Forbes 400 list? Ford has also moved to China.
And why don’t these countries who have made so much money off us, protect themselves?
Right. How many middle class Americans will be selling their “products” to China? We are supposed to be excited by this?
Jack Walsh (Former CEO of G.E.) Was on TV the other day talking about how wonderful Wal-Mart is for the country.
Well, I remember a time when even a middle class nobody like me could go to Lord and Taylor’s and buy a nice suit without having to worry about food the rest of the week.
Sure, you get to pick out cheap clothes made in China, but tell me, how long will they stay cheap?
Have you noticed how often all these Forbes 400 billionaires and heads of countries have been getting together? They know they are sucking up all the wealth.
They rationalize….they say…Okay, so, people will be making less and less. They know we can’t compete against third world labor, but so what? We all have our big screens by now.
They are moving all our jobs overseas.
The middle class is out. The “service” class is in. Service being a nice word for “poor.” But, they make the word “service” sound so exciting whenever they say it.
But hey! With enough products from China, they will make sure we can get cheap clothes and cheap food at Wal-mart!
And soon universal health-care! Anything to make them not feel guilty.
Last month, we bought a new suit for my husband, along with a tie and new shoes. It cost as much as our trip to Las Vegas.
NIKE shoes are made Asia. Shouldn’t they be cheaper? Don’t tell me, that America could not manufacture a good pair of tennis shoes for less than one hundred dollars. Yeah, they’re made in Japan, who, by the way has factories in South Korea because the labor is so cheap. Yet, we have been paying over one hundred dollars for them.
Not much made here is going to be sold in China and India. Do you think our President was speaking for the majority of the people? The products sold in China, will still be made in China, it’s just that some CEO here will make a lot of money off it.
The new CEO citizens of the world.
Today, I picked up an issue of the Forbes 400, the Richest People in America, Special Issue. Not too long ago, you had to be a millionaire. Now, it’s made up of all billionaires, the trillionaires are coming.
These 400 people have more wealth than the rest of the 300 million.
You don’t have to be a “soldier” to know that it’s these 400 people that President Bush and our Congress are working for. Not us.
If they were representing us, they would have fixed our schools and borders by now. They keep us busy thinking about gay marriage, sex scandals, and Madonna.
Once, our rich guys at least cared about us. J. Paul Getty decided to retire at 27. He goofed off for a year and got bored. He father told him that he had a responsibility to build factories and give jobs to people. Henry Ford once thought that way too.
No more. Now they build factories to employ the people in India and China, so those people can buy their products. And then instead of reinvesting their money here, or giving Americans a way to make a living, they donate billions to tax-exempt charities, which go mostly to other countries, in order for them to make more money.
You know the Microsoft plan---along with the vaccine is to put a computer in every African Village.
They won’t have clean water, but they will be able to report all medical conditions to a massive database. Bill Clinton will use our money to get them clean water.
“Manufacturing fortunes once dominated the Forbes 400. Today they represent just 5% of the list.” …FORBES Special Issue.
President Bush today on Rush Limbaugh also said people were hoarding their money, because we are afraid something is going to happen. He was upset about this.
Well gee, it just seems we can’t do anything right. If we drive up our credit cards, we are debtors, if we volunteer to serve in Iraq, we are stupid. If we stopped spending then the stock market goes down. This is bad for the guys on the Fortune 400 list stock dividends and the upcoming elections.
We need that “the economy is roaring” sound-bite.
And just to push the knife in a little further into my sadness at hearing that remark, he said that he was so happy to be President of a country with so many different cultures and so many different religions! Yes, we’re one happy multinational total FUBAR!
Whoopee! Where’s the Mosque? Where’s my Buddha! Ahhh George.
You were so convincing yesterday. (sigh)
Why should this upset me? Well, I heard the very same words spoken by the CEO of General Electric on Charley Rose not too long ago. This man was just like John Kerry…the middle classes had to change he said. We must accept our new life.
These elite people really do think we are stupid.
You see, it doesn’t matter if it’s the Democrats or the Republicans; they now work for the global multinational Forbes 400. What President Bush said today made it final for me. I guess he figured he was on such a roll; it was a good time to sneak the global stuff in.
They know the middle class in America will disappear. They don’t care. That includes John Kerry, Bill Clinton, and yes, even George Bush. (Well, it probably makes him sad.)
The biggest difference in the two parties, and the reason Democrats as we all know should not ever get power again is that President George Bush does care about protecting us more against the “nukes” they keep telling us that are coming.
As the President says, “We have to be right 100% of the time---they just have to be right once.”
Well, if that doesn’t make you want to go out and spend your paycheck, I don’t know what does.
We keep hearing what good friends Bill Clinton is with Daddy Bush. Even George’s sister was on TV saying “what good friends” they are. Okay, Okay, we get it.
And the next day Bill Clinton will say something so ugly against the President you just want to punch him. What’s wrong with this picture?
They both work for the muli-nationals, as Steve Farrell will show you…”The Third Way.”
It’s like two teenagers fighting over who’s going to get to drive daddy’s car.
Somewhere, long ago, our leaders lost their eyesight. They were blinded by greed. So they put this “third way” into gear with all the GATT and NAFTA treaties that were sold as being wonderful for us. They had to do it slowly. They knew we’d go ballistic.
The timing had to be just right.
Now, some people would say, (mostly the elites) that this new progressive, no borders, free trade, multinational world will be bring the whole world eventually up to a “middle class”….someday. The trouble is, we, the American people are meant to be the sacrificial lambs.
The problem is, we will have no say whatsoever in anything we do, no rights. And that’s a whole other blog,
Patrick J. Buchanan writes about this in his book, The Great Betrayal. How American Sovereignty and Social Justice Are Being Sacrificed to the Gods of the Global Economy.
Nobody’s Perfect; Well gee…I bet I got everyone down in the gutter with this.
Hey, I had to go shopping today… and it’s my least favorite thing in the world to do.
Besides, the more people that think about this, the better. Nothing gets fixed in ignorance.
Nobody Knows; On October 17, 2006, very quietly…our President, George W. Bush signed Public Law 109-364. This was passed along with the interrogation act.
This means that the President can bring in the Army, Navy, Air Force, or the National Guard into any state, overriding any governor, “to suppress public disorder.” He can use guns, or whatever, or give vaccines…he has full power. Basically Martial Law. The Posse Comitatus Act has ridden into the sunset.
I did not hear about this on Rush, on O’Reilly, on Hannity…anywhere.
On top of that, FEMA is meeting with pastors to discuss what to do if martial law is declared. Go ahead and ignore this if you want to, but sooner or later it will creep up on you.
Nobody Cares; I heard David Letterman say he was a “citizen of the world” the other night while talking to Bill O’Rielly. To me this was more upsetting than the fight between the two icons, because our media stars are already gearing us up for this One World Government.
That’s why the movie stars are adopting babies from Africa. That’s why Brad Pitt is building homes in India for Jimmy Carter. The trouble is…we are paying for it.
Nobody Wins “We must accelerate America’s entry into the Third Wave Information Age.” said Newt Gingrich.
Well, welcome to the world of the New World Order. The information being “We will tell you what to do.” And entertain you at the same time.
No wonder we are a nation of drugs. It just keeps creeping.
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