Monday, August 27, 2007

Is It The Marboro Man? Or Brokeback Putin?

Nobody Flashes: Well...if you live long enough, you will see things that you never expected!

Like those stupid bell bottoms coming back into fashion, actually paying for water in bottles, television that used to be free, now costing half your salary, corn being grown to feed cars instead of people, and half your local nightly news updates including updates on a singing contest. All these were a bit surprising.

Not to mention 9/11...let's not even go there.

But, not as much as this: A Russian President imitating the man who brought Russia down; the last elected official it seemed America could trust; Ronald Reagan.

So, is Putin trying to get "elected" again by showing off his masculine side? Does this mean he wants the "homosexual" vote? Is he hanging out with the Clintons at Jackson hole with Ralph Lauren?

Is the horse's name Buddy?

It was reported that this picture was taken in Russia, but it looks more like North Dakota to me. Maybe since the French President decided to take his vacation in America, Putin thought he would show he could do it too.

I wouldn't doubt if he wasn't looking for a ranch to buy.

Anyway, this picture proves that all these rulers listen just a little too closely to their PR people. Putin should have learned from Al Gore's mistake, where he couldn't figure out what to wear to get elected, and therefore threw the election because no one could believe that he couldn't figure out what to how could he rule anything?

Just a nobody point.

I actually like his new western look. Now, if he would just stop having war games with China.
