Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Three Forks in the Road

Nobody’s Opinion: America, it seems, has come to a big fork in the road, one way leads to more tyranny, the other to just survival.

The slippery slop to fascism gets more evident with every passing day.

The expression…“fork in the road” has been used so many times, we tend to forget just how often in life we have to choose one road or another, and how the wrong choice can affect whole generations.

Nevertheless, when you come to that fork in the road, and have to decide which way to go…in the case of a nation surviving, I suggest we forget the old saying about taking the one less traveled. If we take that one, unlike some creative endeavor of individual originality, America might instead end up on some future map of,Once Upon a Time, there was a great nation.”

Better to go the way of our founders, which historically has been the light of the world, then down the dark “progressive” road of socialism and communism, which is where we are headed.

Coming up in our future, are some rather major decisions. We are standing at that fork, and what we do now will determine our children’s future and our own.

As most forks in the roads…it won’t be an easy decision.

FORK ONE: The Presidential Election, 2008: While Bill and Hillary Clinton have the extreme unfair advantage of actually being able to run two people for one office at once, (Make no mistake, that’s exactly what they are doing.) they also, like the Bush’s have a global agenda.

But unlike Bush’s agenda, it gives America up to the whole world, not just Mexico and Canada.

It’s in all of their speeches.

Bill has been laying the roadwork with his Clinton’s Global Initiative plans, and his new book on how wonderful it is for everyone to just give, earning him lots of kudu’s from even conservatives who should know better. Once this power couple is in office, this “giving” will no longer be the “feel-good about your self,” voluntary church-like dogma, but will morph into federal mandatory law.

Remember, Bill started the mandatory “public service” for graduation in our public schools…and you ain’t seen nothin' yet.

Their political pandering’s are right out of the communist manifesto: “To each his need…to each according to his ability.” Hillary has already said that…she just knows you are too stupid to know the concept.

Bill and Hillary will decide what is right for you. You will no longer have a choice in your life. You will be dictated as to your eating habits (Bill has already taken over the schools, and he wasn’t even in our government.)

You will continue to have no say in your children’s education, but you will also have no say in your rising taxes, health care, property, or even, right to life. And most people will accept this loss of freedom.

They already do.

America will give it’s sovereignty up to an international court. Your rights will be trumped by someone’s need in Africa. Think I’m kidding? Just listen to them.

On the other hand, the Republicans, lead by George W. Bush; seem to be just as bad.

Will Rudy fight this corruption? Would Thompson? Who knows? But, do you want to take that road marked, “Marxist Internationalist’s Lane?

I say we go to the right.

FORK TWO: The war in Iraq---go to the left, we pull out: go to the right, we stay.

If we pull out, it will mean probably more destruction over here in American. It’s a global storm that has been brewing for many years. Bill Clinton just ignored it.

After all, Bill Clinton’s sweet Southern charm did not work with Arafat, did it? But they don’t want you to remember that.

All those liberal James Carvell’s talking points coming out of bin Laden’s mouth, should be taken just as what they are; the Democratic Party wishes.

When Castro, bin Laden, and the leaders of China, want Hillary Clinton to be elected President; all true Americans should be running to the voting booths to destroy their wishes.

After all, her husband gave our weapons of mass destruction secrets to our enemies to kill us with, and will continue to do so.

Despite all of George W. Bush and his daddy’s global “business” agendas…don’t buy the lie that the Clintons don’t work for the multinationals business' too.

Don’t insult the legacy of Ron Brown.

So, which road do we choose? If we leave Iraq, and risk Iran’s takeover of all the remaining oil fields, since Chavez is also our enemy, where will we go for the fuel we need as a nation?

We won’t even be able to fuel up the tank.

FORK THREE: This brings us all to the road to Mexico, who would have the last remaining oil fields for the United States.

We all now know, the road to Mexico has already been taken by our government, of both parties, and it’s the wrong road. Many of us are already crying out for a pit stop.

They are not listening. Instead, they have stepped on the gas pedal.

So, what do we do? Stop the car? Change drivers? Refuel?

Personally, I would crash the whole damn thing and start over---it seems our whole political machinery is rusted to the core---but that’s just me.

So, which way do we go?Right or left?

We need to make up our minds soon, because when America’s freedom, liberty and strength goes, so goes the world, and then all roads will lead to nowhere.



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