Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tim Russert's Denials

Nobody’s Opinion: Tim Russert has been interviewing the Clintons a lot lately, have you noticed?

You have to hand it to the Clintons---they know a sucker when they see one.

Here’s what I find really tough about watching Tim Russert interviewing either one of the Clintons: He puts the word obsequiousness into outer-orbit when he gets around them. It doesn’t matter what he is asking them---his emotional, orgasmic facial expressions, seemingly from just the sheer joy of being in their presence, is enough to make any nobody, like me, gag.

As far as Tim Russert’s daily financial and historical place in the world of reporting is concerned, he is in “reporting” heaven. But to the rest of us nobodies who make up the country and will have to suffer for the Clinton’s grand scheme of global-fascist takeover…

Well, let’s just say, we do not have the option of returning the lemon.

During the democratic debate last week, Tim posed probably the biggest reason Hillary should not be running for President to her: Doesn’t the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton, set up some kind of dynasty?

A dynasty that smacks of despotism, kings, monarchies, and the inevitable global rule of the two Clintons controlling the world? Talk about anti-American…this is more like a third world countries dictator’s wife’s dream---stepping in for her husband.

Well, of course it does. Tim Russert knows it, the Clintons know it, democrats know it, republicans know it, independents know it, all the bloggers and serious journalists know it, and most other tyranical dictators of the world want it so badly they can hardly contain themselves.

But, because Clinton is such a lovable liar and undeniable genius at manipulating whoever he is in the room with, Russert presents the whole remarkable concept as a wonderful thing! A man being President and then his wife…well, it’s never been done before!

Think of the ratings! Who cares about what’s good for the country!

America loves to be entertained. We now have a forever running Presidential Contest to go along with Survivor, and American Idol.

Unfortunately, like most contests, sometimes you feel like the winners are already picked.

No one seemed to bring up the fact of how shocking it was for Alan Greenspan, to retire, write a book, and then come out campaigning for that “republican” Bill Clinton.

What propitious timing.

Bill Clinton, on Meet the Press today was talking to Moynihan’s old chief of staff, Russert, about how CGI was going to go in and “help” set up mining operations in Africa---help them get those diamonds and oil and stuff out of the ground.

Only Bill Clinton could make the plundering of another country for profit sound like benevolent “help,” and come out looking like Saint Bill.

Tim’s eyes grew huge---as if he was thinking, “What a guy!”

Then Bill said, “Oh, I never touch the money.” He said it several times. Well, he doesn’t have to. It’s all moved in cyberspace. He’s not technically lying. Remember, Bill Clinton the lawyer, can write a perfect word to get out of everything. Yes, he even redefined the word “is.”

A word now associated with oral sex.

Everyone admits the control they have is astounding. Already a President…Hillary has her own studio in New York where she will push out her propaganda. The media will come to her.

She went from “Lets Chat” to “Come Pick My Song” to “We’re Just as Lovable and Misunderstood as the Sopranos” to “It will be shown on 24 (since nobody watched Geena Davis) that a woman President can be tough.”

Bill made it sound like Jack Bauer was a personal friend of his on the show.

Bill not only coaches Hillary it seems, but Ahmadinejad, because in his UN speech, he was saying all the things that Bill has been going on about for years…How the little countries are bullied by the big countries, and it’s only fair that they have a nuclear weapon, and that the UN must make a new fair playing field.

The Clintons want the US to give up it’s sovereignty to the global world of one rule government, a fact they will deny.

Ask yourself this; How many times have you heard Bill Clinton say that Hillary did not decide to run for President until just a few months back, and how many times did you believe him?

Tim Russet might believe their denials---but don’t you dare.



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