Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Great Timing of Stupid Tuesday

Nobody Flashes: Wow...what are the odds? Yesterday, was Super Tuesday, a day in early February--(Or Stupid Tuesday as was reported by many) the day when all of America was suppose to go to their local voting booth and vote on all the brand new electronic voting machine--- but we got some bad luck.

What timing.

All throughout the midwest, all the die-hard, Nascar, let's go have a beer, red state patriots---right at the hour when most voters got off work and were heading toward their voting machines...tornadoes, hail, rain, and just altogether nasty weather put probably the majority of the voters who really thought it was a waste of time, into the "Why bother?" mood.

At exactly 6 pm...when traffic was at a standstill, my husband and I got our of our car in front of our local school, and were amazed that the parking lot was empty. Only a matter of yards away, we watched as hundreds of cars, all going about 1mph were passing the "voting" right by.

Well, it was raining---but really. I can't say I blamed them. In fact, I felt rather stupid falling for it all. I must admit, I also thought to myself..."What's the point?"

The great surprise today, of course, was how well Huckabee did.

Well...I might have an answer to that.

For over a year, in my spam, I've been getting stuff from this "conservative" blog. I wish I could tell you the name of the place, but I always glance at it and delete it.

But yesterday there was an urgent warning from these "protectors" of America. They were telling all the people in Missouri to go out quick, and vote for Huckabee because Romeny did not at the moment, according to the polls, stand a chance, so in order to stop McCain, we must do our patriotic duty and vote for Huckabee. I didn't fall for it, but I wonder how many did?

Of course, Huckabee did better than Romney here, and McCain won.

I wondered just how many other people in how many other states got this same advise? And now, I wonder just who is behind that website?

On the ballot of course, even though they were no longer in the race, were all the candidates on both sides....what's up with that?

I voted for Romney, in honor of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh...but it's the last time I do something so stupid.

I mean really...the choices might as well be Paris Hilton and Ron Stewart.

Well, we need a "change" alright. The whole system is corrupt. None of it works. It should all be thrown out and revamped into some kind of binding agreement that keeps corruption out of the hands of a few elite career politicians, bankers, and corporations.

I'm sure our loving "founders" would be in complete agreement.

Until the majority of the people just can't take it anymore....that's not likely to happen. We're bascially good people, but as history reports...that's our problem.

We won't get really angry until it's too late.

So...I voted for the memory of all the men who fought for our right to vote, whether it means anything or not...they gave their lives...right? It's the rationalization I'm telling myself to make myself feel better.

So far, it's working...a little.

Now, as far as this lady is concerned, she MUST be a liberal. Who else would be standing right dead center in the track of a moving storm and act like nothing is happening? She looks as if she thinks she is standing in front of the Leaning Tower of Piza, what a dutz.

And as if that weather coincidence was not enough....Coast to Coast am... had an expert on weather manipulation, and it sounded just like our downpour.

Okay----don't get upset...the weather is due to global warming. You win.

And John McCaim is a conservative...I got it. And Paris Hilton is not on drugs. And Brittany Spears is being drugged by her manager, and Ledger was made popular by "Brokeback Mountain"" NOT "The Patriot" and...I still can't cook.

Oh, and one more thing....what a coincidence that there is a writer's strike! How lucky can you get? We will all STILL be glued to the contest of the Captains of the Titanic, because, there is only so many times you can watch reruns of StarWars.

It's time to get out my old Dr. Who tapes. The man who served Jelly Babies to potential alien enemies before Ronald Reagan was born.



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