Monday, August 25, 2008

Neither Wind, Nor Sleet, Nor Rain, Nor Snow---Will stop Stupidity

Nobody’s Opinion: “Neither wind, nor sleet, nor rain, nor snow…will stop your loving United States government from making sure you have no say whatsoever in whatever happens to you.”

But you can come to their spectacular conventions!

And why do we not have any say? Because our government has been creating one monopolistic agency after another for much too long.

Our two-party system is a monopoly…you’d never know it by the way they talk.

Yes, that’s the subject of today: Monopolies. There are just too many of them, starting with the boys in Washington D.C, and ending with our abhorrent Department of Education that keeps all our kids drugged up and dumb.

You heard me. Drugs are everywhere in our schools, They are sold in the halls between classes…the teachers stand by and watch them do it, because they are too scared to butt-in. The administrators know it, our President knows it, and absolutely nothing is done about it ---which means, they- don’t- care.

When you leave the biggest opium fields in the world intact after you invade a country (Afghanistan)--- fields that supply money that goes to arm the enemy that kills our soldiers: a few joints between classes is no big deal.

You and I pay for this “service?” This is a “plan?”

Nancy Reagan tried to help….

Just say “no.” she said---But she couldn’t fight the system, that swept our country in the sixties and never left.

But back to monopolies---they are good, aren’t they? They must be. Every single day, some big international corporation is merging with some other huge corporation with high-fives from our government. Need some taxpayer money to help you out?

Here! Take a few trillion!

Our government it seems, with each new governmental program, wants to employ all the people, because then the people could never get rid of its “employer.”

You think they don’t think these things out?

We just had eight horrible years of the Clintons, and eight horrible years of Bush, and the government thanks to both, has grown more corrupt and more monopolistic.

The Supreme Court can make you give your property away to big business, something they do in Russia and China. Don’t you just love it?

What do we now have…ladies and gentlemen? A Republic?

You just have to shake your head.

The word among the well-known conservatives who have been basically spit on by their own party, to me, is short of ridiculous.

I’m almost ashamed of their timidity. They act like if the system still works.

Well, it doesn’t. Our current election proves it.

Here’s their theory---a theory that has been repeated by Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and even Joseph Farrah: Elect Obama, so that, like Jimmy Carter, history will repeat itself and THEN we will get another Ronald Reagan. Just wait…another eight years…then we’ll get em!

Well, easy for them to say. What do they think people lives are? A baseball game that they can umpire? If we wait for another Reagan, we’ll all be dead.

This new “theory” or “operation chaos” is supposed to work because they “believe” that the people will rise up, and vote for conservatives in twelve years, they will be so sick of socialism.

In twelve years it will be too late.

Both parties have worked diligently to protect the status quo, which has one objective. Put the power forever, in the hands of a global few.

Have four-year election competitions to fool the masses.

We will be out of “energy” soon but both parties want to invite millions of people to come on in and make the problems worse.

You think they don’t know this? Is this a “plan?”

In fifty years, we will be a Hispanic nation. What does Juan McCain want to do? He learns Spanish.

Are you, like me, laughing when you hear Rush say we don’t want to go into socialism?

Do you wonder just where these people live, that they don’t realize we are past socialism now going into communism if we continue down this road?

Where the hell have they been?

Many Americans are leaving their parties and claiming they are Independents. But guess what? The independents don’t have a say at the podium, and if Rush and Ann have any say in the matter, they never will.

This is not logical. For instance: When Bill Clinton was being the biggest chauvinistic pig in the world, not one feminist came out against him…why? Because they didn’t want to upset their abortion rights.

Now, when Bush and McCain want to basically, destroy America, by not protecting our borders, Rush and Ann, act just like the feminists they hate---and say nothing. Why? Because of their conservative values.
As it seems to me---both parties are trying to “merge” America with the rest of the world, we will all live off stock dividends.

Sam Adams would throw them all out.

You know, I get a kick out of how all the pundits all like to talk about our founders…but it seems to me that none of them really get those guys, or what they fought for.

Because they were all about “rule by laws, not by men”

What we really need to do is take our founders main intentions, get rid of the two-party system of which NONE of the founders wanted (they would be screaming at this insanity) don’t throw away their great documents…just enforce them, make laws that no man could break---not even Presidents. I don’t know what we could put into place, but come on…break up this huge government monopoly where the people have no say, and never will.

John Adam’s is calling. Somebody pick up the phone.

Never mind wind, sleet, hail, and snow…it might take a tornado.



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