Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rosanne Barr...Woman Without a Gun

Nobody Cares: Well, the goddess of "How to sing the National Anthem and tuck on a imaginary organ that you don't have." has done it again.

Yes...that lovable actress who has resorted to doing commercials for Las Vegas, Rosanne Barr, has attacked Angelina Jolie for adopting babies from African nations that are being destroyed by gun-toting Republicans.

Rosanne has maybe picked on the wrong gal.

Here we see Angelina practicing for one of her many violent films, in which she make so much money she can not only afford to adopt African babies, she can afford to pay four nannies to watch them, while she practices shooting on her Digital Home Shooting Range.

Not only that, she flies her own plane, which means she quite capable of dropping bombs. And in this age of GOOGLE YOUR EARTH, if I was Rosanne, I'd stick to the "I love Obama" soundbites.

What do I really think, you might ask? I think she's just jealous. Somebody tell her, because she's not bright enough to figure it out.

Hopefully Obama will give her a job, and a gun...let the games begin!



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