Saturday, November 08, 2008

Nothing Like a Good Weather Map..

Nobody Flashes: Well, it must be true...only the good die young, which means God has a sick sense of humor as we've all suspected.

By that I mean, Michael Crichton, one of the most entertaining and informative writers of our nation has passed away, much too soon.

I used to wonder why they didn't just replace Romeo and Juliet, the obligatory 9th-grade reading with Jurassic Park, but then that's me.

No offense to Shakespeare, but let's fact it, the message of two kids falling in love and then killing themselves was lame even when I was a kid. (BC Video Games)

The only things our kids read nowadays are where to find the "weapons" in Playstation. Twister too was a great film...the guy was a great intellect.

They had Michael on C-span today, and he was more brillant than I even imagined him to be.

Something tells me he would have thought this picture pretty much summed up what he thought about man-made global warming...the science was and still is...all wrong.

And if you think his thoughts on weather manipulation were scary, (yes, he believes that they manipulate the weather) read his thoughts on nano-technology.

Talk speaking about scary...Obama, came out of his first intelligence briefing with the SAME exact look that President Bush has had on his face for the last three years.

It's as if he is thinking, "Oh we're $#&*!" NO WONDER John McCain was such a happy loser!

He complained about not having good, whose fault is that?

Whatever you may say, let's hope the Irish in the man...comes out fighting
