Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nobody Flashes! Tito for President!

Nobody Flashes: If you did not hear Sarah Palin's great speech this morning, then you really missed it! She was great!

But even more importantly, was another nobody named Tito the Construction worker. He is a true American, and I just wanted to kiss him, and shake his hand, and well, it's so good to see someone like him get to speak out...bless his heart.

GO TITO! Tito for President!

His speech was short, and powerful, and will make you if you missed it, go here!

No, I didn't listen to Obama's speech. I was busy putting together a Hillary doll to hang from my roof on Holloween, now that's it's okay to hang white women by a noose on your lawn.

Who Knew?

I'm making a list of famouos women (fake of course, don't be a ninny) to hang on a noose in front of my house for next Holloween. All suggestion are welcomed!

See you tomorrow...I'm going to pig out on cheap bubble-gum.
